207th Military Intelligence Brigade (Theater), US Army Intelligence & Security Command
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207th Military Intelligence Brigade (Theater), US Army Intelligence & Security Command
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207th Military Intelligence Brigade (Theater), US Army Intelligence & Security Command
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The 207th Military Intelligence Brigade (Theater) conducts intelligence collection and exploitation in support of United States Army Africa (USARAF) and U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) in order to disrupt transnational and transregional threats and promote regional stability in Africa.

Unit history
The 207th Military Intelligence Brigade was constituted May 10, 1994, in the Army of the United States as the 113th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment. It was activated May 20, 1946, in Chicago, Illinois. On Dec. 6, 1950, the unit was allotted to the regular Army. On Aug. 1, 1957, it was designated as the 113th Counter Intelligence Corps Group. July 25, 1961, marked the reorganization of 113th as the 133th Intelligence Corps Group and years later designated as the 113th Military Intelligence Group on Oct. 16, 1983. The 113th was consolidated with the 207th Military Intelligence Detachment, then reorganized as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 207th Military Intelligence Group. Two years later on Oct. 16, 1985, the unit was restructured as the Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 207th Military Intelligence Brigade. During this time, the 207th was assigned to the VII Corps and served in Operation Desert Shield/Storm. On Jan. 15, 1992, the unit was inactivated in Germany. The unit was re-activated on March 16, 2016, at Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, Italy, as the new Military Intelligence Brigade (Theater) in support of AFRICOM and USARAF.
Campaign Participation Credit: Southwest Asia, Defense of Saudi Arabia, Liberation and Defense of Kuwait, Cease-Fire
Decorations: Meritorious Unit Commendation (Army), Streamer embroidered FIFTH ARMY AREA 1946 (113th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment cited; DA GO 1948)
Most recent contributors: SGT Miguel Pingol