163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade
163rd Military Intelligence Battalion (163rd MI) members
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163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade
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163rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade
Top Influencers in this Group

May 2019 - Present

Sep 2023 - Present

Army | Human Intelligence Collection Technician
OMT Technician at 163rd MI, 504th BFSB, III Corps, FORSCOM
Jul 2015 - Present

Army | Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer
Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer at 163rd MI, 504th BFSB, III Corps, FORSCOM
Aug 2018 - Present

Aug 2014 - Present

Army | Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Warrant Officer
CHEMO at HHC, 163rd MI, 504th BFSB, III Corps
Apr 2013 - Present

Feb 2012 - Present

Jun 2011 - Present

Jan 2013 - Present

Jan 2015 - Present

Army | Human Resources Specialist
Senior Human Resources NCO (S1) at A Co, 163rd MI, 504th BFSB, III Corps
Jan 2006 - Present

Army | Signals Acquisition/Exploitation Analyst
SIGINT NCO at A Co, 163rd MI, 504th BFSB, III Corps
Feb 2013 - Present