143rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command, 377th Theater Sustainment Command

143d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)

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CPT Katherine Alegado

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Unit Contact Information

General Inquiries:  
910-771-0327 / 0380

Retention/Recruiting Inquiries:  
910-771-0318 / 904-207-0119 / 407-969-8702

Media Inquiries:

Mailing Address:
143d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
6039 S. Rio Grande Ave
Orlando, FL 32809-4613
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The 143d ESC provides trained and ready Army Reserve Soldiers and units with Army values, warrior ethos and the critical combat service support capabilities necessary to support the nation’s strategy during peacetime, contingencies and war, both at home and worldwide.  With a focus that covers the full spectrum of logistics, the mission statements of subordinate commands and units vary widely depending on each unit’s specific area of combat service support responsibilities.
To achieve these objectives, the command relies heavily on its training programs, readiness initiatives and integrating family support into unit activities.
The specific wartime and peacetime missions are as follows:
Wartime Mission
On order, the 143d ESC mobilizes and deploys to establish theater level transportation systems and aerial and sea ports of debarkation and inland motor and rail operations.  It also provides common user transportation support services throughout the theater of operations. 
Peacetime Mission  
The 143d ESC provides command and control for assigned or attached subordinate units.  It is responsible for the readiness, training, personnel administration and deployability of subordinate units.  The 143d ESC mission is broken down into several primary areas of responsibility—reception, staging, and onward movement—all which to ensure an incremental build-up of combat power proceeds according to the combatant commander’s plans.
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The 143d ESC provides a trained and ready sustainment force that is a significant operational enabler for America’s Army.

The unit’s command philosophy are:
  1. Create a balanced command climate that empower Soldiers; that exhibits care for its soldiers and families; and that fosters retention in the Army Reserve.
  2. Build a fundamentally sound organization that is rooted in three basics acts: caring, maintenance and training.
  3. Develop an expeditionary sustainment command in which training readiness is the focal point with emphasis on wartime missions – preparing the headquarters and all subordinate units to support the war fighters so that they can win in battle.

Build an organization that is characterized by Soldiers, NCOs, and Officers who understand their mission, and whose love for their job is illustrated by their intensity in carrying it out.
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Most recent contributors: CPT Katherine Alegado

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