1st Battalion, 138th Infantry Regiment, 110th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
1st Battalion, 138th Infantry Regiment
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1st Battalion, 138th Infantry Regiment, 110th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
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1st Battalion, 138th Infantry Regiment, 110th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade
Top Influencers in this Group

Army National Guard | Field Artillery Officer
BN Training Officer / PL at 1-138 IN, 110th MEB, Missouri ARNG, MILPAC Region V

Army National Guard | All Source Intelligence Technician
Assistant Fusion OIC at 35th ID, Missouri ARNG, MILPAC Region V, USARNG

Army National Guard | Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
CBRN Staff NCO at HHD, 1107th TASMG, 1107th TASMG