1st Battalion, 128th Infantry, 32nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team
1st Battalion, 128th Infantry
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1st Battalion, 128th Infantry, 32nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team
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1st Battalion, 128th Infantry, 32nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team

Army National Guard | Health Services Plans, Ops, Intelligence, Security,Training
Company Commander at C Co, 134 BSB, 1st ABCT, 34 ID

Army National Guard | All Source Intelligence
Secretary of the Joint Staff/AJ2 at JFHQ - AZ, MILPAC Region VII, NGB, JCS

Army National Guard | Infantry Officer
Scout Sniper Platoon Leader at HHC, 1-128 IN, 32nd IBCT, Wisconsin ARNG

Army National Guard | Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer
Battalion Maintenance Tech. at B Co, 132nd BSB, 32nd IBCT, Wisconsin ARNG