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Responses: 4
SFC Casey O'Mally
Typing before I read... see how well I do.

I am guessing the following groups will be represented (in the order I thought of them, not necessarily an indication of where they rank):
1) Big oil
2) Big Pharma
3) Health Insurance
4) Commerce / general business (chamber of commerce and/or similar)
5) NRA
6) Anti-gun groups
7) Land use/sales
8) Unions
9) Green initiatives / green energy
10) ? ( I missed it)

OK reading now, and.....

7) National Association of realtors - nailed it!
4) Chamber of Commerce - nailed it!
2) Pharmaceutical researchers of America - nailed it!
10) American Hospital Association - missed this one. In my mind I lumped this in with insurance.
3) Blue Cross / Blue Shield - nailed it!
10) Facebook - totally shocked by this one. I guess it makes sense, but had not even thought about tech lobbying.
10) AMA - more medical which I had lumped together in my mind. But it is a bit surprising to me that AMA would have to spend that much money lobbying. I would have thought they would not need to lobby as much and be able to communicate more directly to and through HHS agencies.
10) Amazon - again I had not even thought of tech, but this one makes total sense, too.
4) Business Roundtable. Never heard of these folks but certainly sounds like a force to be reckoned with.
10) NCTA - never heard of them and would not have thought they were that big of lobbyists. Especially not as compared to folks that didn't make the cut, like big oil and the NRA.

My guesses for 1, 5, 6, 8, and 9 did not make it. Only 4 of the 9 groups / types I expected were in there. And I missed big with tech (Facebook, Amazon, and, arguably NCTA).

Definitely surprising.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
1 y
Haven't looked into this for a many years.
Our medical system seems overly represented. Used to be AMA was always in one of the top three spots. Now there is AMA, plus American Hospital Association and BlueCross/Blue Shield . . . and of course the Pharmacerutical Researchers

I figured the Pharmceutical industry would be included, near the top if not the top, but had no idea about anything else other than AMA, down to #7 now. Real Estate surprised me, but in retrospect is should not have. I totally missed the boat with Big Tech. Didn't expect to see the Chamber of Commerce.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Sharing this elsewhere. Many of them were on my "guess list" but a few surprises
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
1 y
Lt Col Charlie Brown Thanks for sharing further. A few surprised me, as well!
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SGT Mary G.
Edited 1 y ago
Update on a theme, since it is useful information to know, when accurate - i.e. one's own research . . . until then these two sources seem more trustworthy. :

Leading lobbying industries in the United States in 2022, by total lobbying spending

and this one covers 2023 so far and goes back to 1998
"Top Spenders"
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