Posted on Dec 21, 2018
MSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Under Article 2 of the UCMJ, the Army maintains court-martial jurisdiction over retired personnel. Army Regulation 27-10, Military Justice, states “Retired members of a regular component of the Armed Forces who are entitled to pay are subject to the provisions of the UCMJ.
Posted in these groups: 61c89c28 Donald TrumpOriginal Crime34198fd5 SpyingUcmj UCMJ
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Responses: 1370
LTC Gary Earls
So the FBI can lie to you and not be punished but if you lie to the FBI then you go to jail. Something is wrong here.
LTC Jeffrey Hill
LTC Jeffrey Hill
3 mo
COL Victor Hagan - He didn't lie, Colonel. In fact the notes from the interviewing agents said as much. He pled guilty to it after the corrupt, crooked FBI agents threatened to go after his family. He jumped on the grenade for them.
SFC James Cortez
SFC James Cortez
3 mo
PO3 Jake Lucid
PO3 Jake Lucid
1 mo
LTC Gary Earls never just talk to law enforcement with out attorney.
SGT Quentin Moore
SGT Quentin Moore
23 d
Yes there is
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SGT Lou Meza
I'm of the opinion that Gen. Flynn should not be punished twice for the same offense.
PVT Alejandro Rivera
PVT Alejandro Rivera
9 mo
CSM Thomas Ray - So is Biden,taking money from China while being vice-president not filling taxes.
PO2 Bernard Spriggs Jr
PO2 Bernard Spriggs Jr
1 mo
Was not looking for a fight but just using facts, and Last I Checked Biden wasn’t convicted 34 times.
SGT Quentin Moore
SGT Quentin Moore
23 d
I agree
SGT Quentin Moore
SGT Quentin Moore
23 d
MAJ Byron Oyler its still unbecoming of a soldier
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SCPO Lonny Randolph
So to be clear here... The General "told a lie" to the FBI while being investigated for evidence of a crime that never actually occurred? And are you advocating that the General should loose his benefits because he testified improperly in an investigation that had no basis in reality to begin with? To turn the table on this question, suppose someone accused you of beating your wife (we will assume this has never happened); there was no corroborating evidence but the police investigate anyway. In the course of your questioning you are asked what you ate for breakfast and you omitted to include the second cup of coffee you drank with creamer in it. Having obtained contradictory evidence from your eldest child, the police charge you with lying; so after being convicted in a plea deal wherein you provided testimony about your eldest child speeding the week previously - we should take your retirement check away from you... Cuz... you lied... about a fake investigation... that should never have even been started... Does this cover it?
PO1 David Kingsley
PO1 David Kingsley
1 y
PO1 Pavanne Halpin - I love how Criminals, love to Claim that Their "Crime" isn't really a Crime, and that to "Investigate" their "Crime" is Illegal
PFC Rosanne Baisa
PFC Rosanne Baisa
11 mo
MSG (Join to see) My issue, since I know that LEO'S will and can lie to obtain evidence, is that the whole situation should have happened. The end.
PFC Rosanne Baisa
PFC Rosanne Baisa
11 mo
PFC Rosanne Baisa nice that I put "not happened" but apparently my phone has other ideas. Have good morning!
PO2 Ken Lowder
PO2 Ken Lowder
5 mo
PO1 David Kingsley - TRUMP IS COLLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS TO STEAL THE ELECTION! Oh, wait that was killery and companiy. Yet trumps presidency is forever tarnished by these lies and crimes
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