Posted on Apr 26, 2024
Sgt John H.
Why is antisemitism suddenly acceptable? Hate of any type is hate.
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Responses: 2
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Sgt John H. Semitic people or Semites is a term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group associated with people of the Middle East, including Arabs, Jews, Akkadians, and Phoenicians. So Antisemitism is Hate Directed at Jews, Palestinians and Arabs. I find it Amazing that some folks forget Semites include Muslim Palestinians, Christian Palestinians and Saudis.
Sgt John H.
Sgt John H.
4 mo
Hate is Hate, as I said. It is not acceptable directed at anyone
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CSM Darieus ZaGara
Whether or not Sgt. used a word out of context is mute, we understand his point. I have never seen or heard of a time when open hatred to the level of threatening death to someone was allowed. There will be a court hearing soon that will say that the former president insisted an insurrection without saying or implying anything of the sort from the podium. The college students and agitators surrounding our latest national issue (if that's what you call it) have openly called for the death of the Jewish people and anyone supporting them. Yet nothing. Anyway, we are living a double standard ever since the beating and subsequent death of a man in Minnesota I believe. I think the universities are well out of whack allowing one group to attack and demoralize another group, not just with hate alone, but threatening the life of others. There freedom of speach impeded the right to graduate of all, how sad to have studied and worked hard, purchase of owns, family and friends flying in etc. what a shame to deprive all of this. These protests are outside of the scope of the constitution. They are students mixed with professional agitators who deserve to be jailed, fined and deported if not already permanent residents or citizens.

I will get off my box.
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