Posted on Aug 7, 2015
SMSgt First Sergeant
I personally am tired of hearing our leadership call the Air Force an Enterprise. Every member of the Army is considered a Soldier, every member of the Corps a Marine, and every member of the Navy a Sailor. Even the Coast Guard identifies with Coastie. Sure we have the term Airman, but most
Don't identify with that. It is normally their career field. I might be crazy, but I believe if our leaders would begin to talk and act like we were a Profession of Arms, the morale and mentality would change. Airmen would take pride I'm what they do for the mission and quit watching the clock or maybe even help each other out. Curious if I am the only one that feels this way. Looking for perspectives from sister service folks as well.
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Responses: 48
Maj Chris Nelson
Starting out in the Army, then switching to AF, I have been bothered by this very thing for many years now. I think it starts at the top.... The AF needs to put on their big girl panties and call themselves what they are.... A Profession of Arms. We have a primary goal of putting bombs on targets OR putting satellites into space. Everything else is secondary. In my opinion, an ENTERPRISE is a FOR PROFIT organization that actually DOES something like making a product, distribution of a product, financial backing for companies that make/distribute products, etc..... This whole "business model" that the AF has been using is a crock of crap and while it is somewhat going away, still is present in some places. As a NURSE, I am STILL in the Profession of Arms....I deploy to combat zones, carry a weapon, prefer to save a life, but am trained to take one in defense of myself or my patients....NONE of my civilian counterparts do any of that. THEY are part of an Enterprise, business, cooperation, etc. That is all.
SMSgt First Sergeant
SMSgt (Join to see)
9 y
Very well said sir. Exactly my issue with the term enterprise.
Capt Christian D. Orr
Capt Christian D. Orr
9 y
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
9 y
Bull Hockey. Our mission is to control the skies. We did it in Germany, Korea, and Vietnam and even the big boys are afraid of us. We do more than drop bombs. WE CONTROL THE SKIES. Our mission is airplanes. Everything else is secondary. We have a few missions that belong to The Army. AF never could launch a missel. Ask Verner Von Brown. took the Army to get us to space.
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Capt Christian D. Orr
Edited 9 y ago
As I was USAF Security Forces (HOOAH!), most colleagues in my AFSC indeed saw it as a Profession of Arms. However, all too many (though certainly not all) troops in other AFSCs seemed to have this "civilian-in-uniform" non-warrior attitude, even after the realities of 9/11 and GWOT. Pretty damn frustrating it was.
TSgt Melissa Post
TSgt Melissa Post
9 y
CMSgt James Nolan - thank you I really appreciate your guidance. This all comes at such a pivotal moment in my life right now, it's just incredible with the timing. :)
CMSgt James Nolan
CMSgt James Nolan
9 y
TSgt Melissa Post Go for it. The only assured way to not have a shot at what you want is to not go for it. And, do not worry about what the others (some of whom are malcontents who live to bring others down to their level) think, chase what you want.
Capt Christian D. Orr
SMSgt Daniel Yoder
SMSgt Daniel Yoder
9 y
Right on Capt, it is amazing how short people memories are of what has happened to this country and where we are going.
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TSgt Vehicle Operations
I've been in the AF now for 11 years, and over that short amount of time, I've noticed the politics become ridiculous. My job is ground transportation, moving people and cargo to and from different locations. My job (like others) has adopted the customer service mindset. The customer is always right and along with that we can't say 'no,' even if it's against the a certain degree.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind helping people get the mission done, I enjoy getting a 'thank you' to get the MISSION done, but when it goes against the AFI or hits that gray area where it screws over my guys or comes back and bites us in the butt later on, I have issues. And then I always run into the phrase, 'well, that's the way it's always been done.' I hate that phrase, just because that's how it's been done, that doesn't make it right. And many of these things go against regs anyway; for instance and for those that are pilots reading this, finny flights.

My leadership is always harping on customer service. But in my defense, good customer service isn't doing whatever the customer wants, but to give them the best options to get the result they want. However, if the customer doesn't get what they want, as in making us do the work when they are fully capable of doing it, they call commanders and we get chewed out about how bad we are doing.

Unfortunately, the AF has adopted the corporation or enterprise mindset and twisted it into calling it the mission. In my opinion, there's a reason why I wear a uniform and not a business suit.
SMSgt First Sergeant
SMSgt (Join to see)
9 y
I dislike that term as well, and dismiss it many times when I hear it. You are absolutely right. Keep that train of thought and get promoted so you can make changes.
CCMSgt Michael Sullivan Ph.D
CCMSgt Michael Sullivan Ph.D
9 y
I think it has a lot to do with your AFSC, back in the mid 80's there were only about 350 members in my AFSC.( Combat Control Team ). No one in any other branch of the military knew who or what we did and in the AF unless you were a PJ or a Combat Weatherman most in the AF didn't either. It wasn't until we were assigned to Seal Teams or Army SF did anyone know the the Air Force had special forces.
SSgt Charlie Keegan
SSgt Charlie Keegan
9 y
In the safety world "That's how its always been done" gets people killed, hurt or maimed, we can be part of the solution or part of the problem! I prefer solution any day! Lead by example, be a good example, don't be the dirt bag that leads by fear and being the bad example
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