PCS, Impact, Deployment, and other awards: Should they be determined by rank?
Now that the history lesson is over. It is unfair to blanket the Navy as a whole in terms of "passing out awards." You fail to understand that there are tens of thousands of Sailors that fall under Marine Corps purview; Hospital Corpsman, Religious Program Specialist, Personnel Specialist, Doctors, Dentist, Psychologist. All of those Navy personnel fall under a Marine Corps command and their awards are authorized through the governing command.
I spent 15 years in the Navy, 1 year combined Boot Camp, Corpsman School, and Fleet Marine Force School for Corpsman. The next 14 years I spent with either the Marine Corps or Army Special Operations Command. So you'll have to pardon my subtle discomfort when I am lumped into your assessment of "The Navy." You probably didn't intend it to come out that way, but you were probably uninformed. Don't worry, a good number of years back the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy didn't really know how many Sailors he had at Camp Pendleton, he thought there were a few hundred, but realistically there is more like a few thousand.

I hear you MAJ Scantlin, I would have no problem with there being no awards for doing your job. But, what about those that volunteer to deploy with another unit to do a job above their paygrade and outside of their MOS? I'm not trying to argue the what ifs but, would that warrant an award?
I agree on the retirement awards too. In all honesty, what good are they? I understand the concept but, can a service member's career be summed up in one award?
I almost wasn't allowed to PCS from Korea because I didn't have a PCS award. Granted, I had to leave under abnormal circumstances and later received my award.

Thanks Sir! I've just been trying to get as much insight on this subject as I can. I appreciate your honest answers!