Posted on Oct 16, 2019
SGT Infantryman
I know Option 40 isn't available for PS, so is it possible to get Airborne on a contract being that im switching from Guard to Active ? i checked the business rules and currently the Army needs 11B for E4 and below. How could i go about getting into an Airborne unit if the option isn't available?
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Responses: 6
SSG Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
As stated in previous comments you can always request it. Army is trying to build up it's combat arms branches and giving 10k bonuses for airborne slots, so it should be fairly easy for you to get it. If not proved yourself to your Drills and get a slot in OSUT. That's how I got mine.
SGT Infantryman
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
Thank you for this info! whatever happens ill keep trying until it happens
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SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
You may be able to pick it up in OSUT.
SGT Infantryman
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
so PS could possibly get airborne ? SFC (Join to see)
SFC Retention Operations Nco
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5 y
SGT (Join to see) prior service can get whatever the Army needs at that time, in accordance with the policy at that time
SGT Infantryman
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
as of this week i can get 11B so hopefully they could use more paratroopers! thanks for giving me some better insight on that SFC (Join to see)
SSG Observer   Controller/Trainer (Oc/T)
SSG (Join to see)
5 y
SFC (Join to see) I'm that 1% lol. Picked up airborne in OSUT, requested an airborne assignment in jump school as 82nd was deploying a few months after I graduated. Got sent to 1st Armored as a replacement soldier since they were heading back from Iraq. That was almost a decade ago though, and right now with combat arms MOS bolstering up right now, there's a high chance of getting slotted in an airborne unit
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SGT Infantryman
They lied to you, I got an Op 40 as PS. 9B (below) is for PS who are already trained, 9A is for those that got approved to reclass. ex. PS 19D approved to reenlist 11B.

Assuming you pick something the Army actually needs. In your case you want 11B, which they pretty much need all the time.

9–8. Enlistment Program 9B, U.S. Army Station-Unit-Command-Area Enlistment Program
This program is available to qualified NPS, PS, glossary NPS, and ACASP applicants enlisting for the minimum term
of enlistment authorized by REQUEST. Applicants under the age of 18 will not be considered for, nor assigned to
overseas locations.
a. Under this program, enlistee is guaranteed—
(1) For NPS, PS with training, or glossary NPS with training—
(a) A specific MOS or career management field.
(b) A first assignment to a station, unit, command, or area.
(c) Airborne training if REQUEST option four with a committed assignment is selected.
(d) A minimum of 12 months from arrival date at the first duty assignment.
(2) For ACASP, PS, or glossary NPS (which may require prerequisite training)—
(a) A first assignment to a station, unit, command, or area.
(b) Airborne training if REQUEST option four with a committed assignment is selected.
(c) A minimum of 12 months from arrival date at the first duty assignment.
b. All enlistees must meet prerequisites before and after enlistment, per DA Pam 611–21.
c. Primary enlistment options available for enlistment include—
(1) REQUEST Option 4: U.S. Army Airborne with First Assignment.
(2) REQUEST Option 7: U.S. Army Buddy Team.
(3) REQUEST Option 18: U.S. Army First Assignment Only.
(4) REQUEST Option 19: U.S. Army Station of Choice.
(5) REQUEST Option 20: U.S. Army Select Station of Choice.
(6) REQUEST Option 21: U.S. Army Select Unit/Station of Choice 2 Year Stabilization.
(7) REQUEST Option 23: U.S. Army Cohesion Operational Readiness Training (COHORT).
(8) REQUEST Option 24: U.S. Army 2 Year Category IIIB with First Assignment.
(9) REQUEST Option 25: U.S. Army Security Assignment.
(10) REQUEST Option 26: U.S. Army 2 Year NPS.
(11) REQUEST Option 30: U.S. Army 2 Year PS.
(12) REQUEST Option 34: U.S. Army Select Unit.
(13) REQUEST Option 40: U.S. Army Airborne Ranger.
d. Applicants will be informed of the following:
SGT Infantryman
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
i was told at the time it wasn't available and i should volunteer because they have cadre at osut that come and ask around about airborne
SGT Infantryman
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
SGT (Join to see)
I had a few friends graduate Ranger school and walk onto airborne, all of them said that the 75th recruiters were there for sure. I’ve seen some articles saying that they’re trying to be more active in OSUT so you might actually have a decent shot there.
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