Posted on May 29, 2023
How long after signing my re-enlistment contract should I expect to wait before receiving my reenlistment bonus?
hello, I re-enlisted April 25 , 2023 for 11,300 (3years) .. it’s now May 29, 2023 and i haven’t received my bonus. I know it’s only been a few days but how many days should i wait to reach out to someone ? I do see on my last LES for May it says congratulations on your reenlistment.
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Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 3
Posted 2 y ago
Have in hand the bonus documentation and the enlistment contract.
Chances are a pay action was required, and in many cases the career counselor covers down on that. So many assume it's automatic. It's not. So if it wasn't done it's easy enough to execute, but all the paper work needs to be there.
You reenlisting is one set of paperwork. Getting paid additionally for reenlisting is another set of paperwork contingent on the MOS, Grade, TIS, etc to your particular situation.
There is a new on-line HR self service where you could simply submit the action for pay yourself, provided you have all the documentation to upload into the system.
It has many cons, and some pros. The main pro being it puts you in the communication loop of where your request is in the system. But a major con is if there is an error it gets pushed down back to each level individually until get gets back at the bottom (you) for correction. Then you have to start all over again. The Pro of that is you learn, all be it the hard way what you needed to submit with your requests for HR admin stuff.
Now, that all said, and this goes for everyone (including myself) this seems to have a lot of potential for us to individually cover down on our own HR agenda. Remember, it's not the best qualified solider that gets recognized for advancement, school, or assignments. It's the one that comes up in the system looking the best relative to others.
Chances are a pay action was required, and in many cases the career counselor covers down on that. So many assume it's automatic. It's not. So if it wasn't done it's easy enough to execute, but all the paper work needs to be there.
You reenlisting is one set of paperwork. Getting paid additionally for reenlisting is another set of paperwork contingent on the MOS, Grade, TIS, etc to your particular situation.
There is a new on-line HR self service where you could simply submit the action for pay yourself, provided you have all the documentation to upload into the system.
It has many cons, and some pros. The main pro being it puts you in the communication loop of where your request is in the system. But a major con is if there is an error it gets pushed down back to each level individually until get gets back at the bottom (you) for correction. Then you have to start all over again. The Pro of that is you learn, all be it the hard way what you needed to submit with your requests for HR admin stuff.
Now, that all said, and this goes for everyone (including myself) this seems to have a lot of potential for us to individually cover down on our own HR agenda. Remember, it's not the best qualified solider that gets recognized for advancement, school, or assignments. It's the one that comes up in the system looking the best relative to others.
Posted 2 y ago
If the bonus required any training or PCS, it is due after that is complete.
If the bonus was for present duty assignment and required no training, 30 days.
Either way, you should first ask your career counselor/retention NCO this question, and they should have covered this while you were doing the paperwork.
It is possible that the delay is due to an incorrect YMAV, and your career counselor can confirm and explain that for you.
If the bonus was for present duty assignment and required no training, 30 days.
Either way, you should first ask your career counselor/retention NCO this question, and they should have covered this while you were doing the paperwork.
It is possible that the delay is due to an incorrect YMAV, and your career counselor can confirm and explain that for you.
Posted 2 y ago
I think your best bet is check with your S1. Take your LES along.
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