Hi everyone, I'll try my best to be brief and detailed as possible.
Nearly 2 years ago I went to Marine Corps boot camp and was discharged ELS because of my medical history as a child of seeing psychiatrist and taking medications. These were all my mothers forceful decisions at the time, I had no decision on my own health as my mother was very controlling. The psychiatrist at MCRD diagnosed me with "unspecified anxiety disorder".
Since coming home, I finally came to the realization (at age 20) that my mother actually suffers from bi-polar disorder and other mental health issues. As a kid, I just believed whatever my mother told me about my health; to which i regret dearly. After visiting multiple doctors and working hard back in school, I learned that I DO NOT suffer from any mental health issue and have been examined by the doctors here at home and have received letters from my employers, teachers, and certified doctors that I am capable of military service.
Now I wish to prove to the Marine Corps that my diagnosis was false and that I've gathered enough evidence to prove that I do not have "unspecified anxiety disorder" I've worked my ass off since being discharged to better myself and for these records. Being a US. Marine is defiantly something I wish to do.
If anyone has advice or suggestions to help me with this challenge, please let me know and thank you for your time.
Nearly 2 years ago I went to Marine Corps boot camp and was discharged ELS because of my medical history as a child of seeing psychiatrist and taking medications. These were all my mothers forceful decisions at the time, I had no decision on my own health as my mother was very controlling. The psychiatrist at MCRD diagnosed me with "unspecified anxiety disorder".
Since coming home, I finally came to the realization (at age 20) that my mother actually suffers from bi-polar disorder and other mental health issues. As a kid, I just believed whatever my mother told me about my health; to which i regret dearly. After visiting multiple doctors and working hard back in school, I learned that I DO NOT suffer from any mental health issue and have been examined by the doctors here at home and have received letters from my employers, teachers, and certified doctors that I am capable of military service.
Now I wish to prove to the Marine Corps that my diagnosis was false and that I've gathered enough evidence to prove that I do not have "unspecified anxiety disorder" I've worked my ass off since being discharged to better myself and for these records. Being a US. Marine is defiantly something I wish to do.
If anyone has advice or suggestions to help me with this challenge, please let me know and thank you for your time.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Posted >1 y ago
The only people that can tell you yes or no....with a definite answer of yes or no....is a recruiter.
Posted >1 y ago
Roman Avila Sounds like you already have the documentation you will need - as a start. You're going to have to find a fighter for a recruiter. Getting back in w/ an RE-3 takes a waiver to go to MEPS, then MEPS has to clear you, and then you will need a waiver from the Surgeon General.
I only know this is the process that I had to take to get back in via the Air Guard. Received a Medical Discharge with an RE-3 code. I had documentation from general practitioners all the way to the Head of Neurology at my local VA hospital.
I only know this is the process that I had to take to get back in via the Air Guard. Received a Medical Discharge with an RE-3 code. I had documentation from general practitioners all the way to the Head of Neurology at my local VA hospital.
Posted >1 y ago
Google says....
An RE-3F re-enlistment code is given to a person who fails to complete Marine Corps Basic Training. A person can only attempt to enlist again if the Commandant of the Marine Corps grants them a waiver. A recruiter must obtain this waiver, however if you are not satisfied with the recruiter request to speak with their officer in charge, explain your reasons for waive to the officer. If you want to go further, go to the recruiting district headquarters. The Marine Corps sets up their recruiting offices by district, find the one for your local recruiting station. You can find that info on the web. Without the waiver, you cannot get back in the Marine Corps.
An RE-3F re-enlistment code is given to a person who fails to complete Marine Corps Basic Training. A person can only attempt to enlist again if the Commandant of the Marine Corps grants them a waiver. A recruiter must obtain this waiver, however if you are not satisfied with the recruiter request to speak with their officer in charge, explain your reasons for waive to the officer. If you want to go further, go to the recruiting district headquarters. The Marine Corps sets up their recruiting offices by district, find the one for your local recruiting station. You can find that info on the web. Without the waiver, you cannot get back in the Marine Corps.
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