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SrA Kevin Panneton

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Rally$weeps is a giveaway initiative that we started for two reasons: First, to thank you for your service and second, to encourage the RallyPoint community to come together to share their thoughts, experiences, resources and anything else you feel inspired to contribute.

We want to take a step back and use this opportunity to remind all of us what RallyPoint is really about; a military community where members can connect regardless of branch, generation, rank, gender or any other differences we have. We hope this encourages members who typically don’t participate in conversations to speak up and share their experiences.  

Here’s how it works: questions will be posted from RallyPoint’s account. All you have to do is like and comment your answers directly under the post. You have the opportunity to win a prize up to $500 plus you get to connect with RallyPoint members from around the world.

Most recent contributors: SrA Kevin Panneton RallyPoint News Ryan Callahan

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  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter