Posted on Jul 10, 2024
SGT Kevin Hughes
Snipers. They are a different breed. My Uncles hated them in WW II, unless they were on our side. When Yugoslavia fell apart, and that horrible conflict erupted with all those factions using snipers at Water Points we sent a Psychiatrist over there to figure out how to help people recover from all the effects of War. I met that guy at a lecture he gave. He wears a bullet on a chain around his neck. And here is what he said:
"I had lots of experiences over there. In my first Report, I wrote back and told my Colleagues at Colombia University, you can forget about compartmentalizing trauma like we do in the State. Nobody over here has just one psychological issue...they have them all. "
He then told me several stories to prove his point. They are too terrible to repeat. One of the "gentler" stories involved a lady living in a building on the fourth floor, with no front of her apartment. No running water. She asked him if he wanted tea. He said that would be nice. She got a tea bag out of a tin. He said it had been used a 100 times. It was all she had. As for the water, he knew someone had risked their lives at a Sniper Point, to get that water for her. I almost cried.
So I asked him about the bullet he wears. He laughed and told me this story:
"When I was sent over there, all the Main Factions permitted me to meet with all of their troops or Leaders. They all knew eventually the War would end. Healing would have to start, and people would have to be treated for PTSD and all its related manifestations. So he was tasked with gathering data for a treatment plan, or at least an outline of what might help.
He carried a bright blue backpack with his recorder and notes in it. (No cellphones back then) He kept trying to get permission to see and talk with the Snipers up on the hill that were taking out Civilians at a Water Point in Sarajevo.
Finally his Boss said the Commander of that Sniper Unit agreed to meet him.
He slung his bright blue backpack onto his shoulder, hopped in a jeep, and up the hill he went.
The Commander gave him access to the Snipers. He chatted with them about their job, their feelings and emotions. A guy comes up to him and says:
"Hey, Blue bag. This if for you."
It was a bullet.
"What's this for?"
The Sniper said:
"I had you in my sights. My Officer told me: "That's Blue Bag, he is a Doctor. He is going to help us after the War. No shooting. But I had already acquired you as a target. I can't use that bullet for anyone else. It was for you."
The guy told me he thanked the guy for not shooting. The guy simply said:
"Target denied."
And walked away.
He has worn that bullet ever since. Snipers are a different breed. He told me that some work was don in Russia, on female snipers from WW II, and apparently they get a distinct form of PTSD. Different than what Male Snipers develop.
I am so glad we have them ...on our side.
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Responses: 2
SSgt Richard Kensinger
By far the most cost-efficient and kill-efficient soldiers!
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
That is quite a story.
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