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Responses: 8
LTC Stephen F.
It is very sad that USAR CPT Shane Morgan was going through an Army PT test he suffered a heart attack SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL. It is unconscionable that the US Army "has determined that the Army Physical Fitness Test didn't trigger it."
I am glad that his chain of command is looking into this and that "335th Signal Command informing him that Maj. Gen. David Conboy, the deputy commander of the Reserve, was aware of his case and looking into it."
I hope that the deplorable people involved with LOD investigation are terminated for cause.
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SFC William Farrell
WTF SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL, this aint right. Even if it was a blockage that accumulated over time, he should have had physicals and he was cleared for PT. But pay for Traitor Bradley Manning to have his sex change operation.
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Capt Tom Brown
This is the most asinine thing to come down the pike in a long time. The Army actually having the nerve to throw one of its own under the bus to avoid paying medical bills resulting from an incident which happened while the man was on active duty. I don't think even a civilian employer would stoop so low as to pull this trick. Shameful and makes one wonder if this is an approved or moral use of the LOD investigation. Hoping if necessary the politicians will intervene in this miscarriage and abuse of power by the Army against one of its own.
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