Posted on Jul 10, 2024
SGT Aaron Atwood
Walter's tidbits of Wisdom #4

----In all the glut of words about problems of the aging, I recall only one article by an English writer, I.A.R. Wylie, dealing with the sentimental attachment or the spiritual satisfaction that old people get from the enjoyment of such things as I am now describing, things with a personal relationship, rather than things that rich men buy as a so-called hobby, whose only value is expressed in the prices paid to acquire them.

There is no money equivalent for the time spent personally in such activities as restoring a fine finish to the heirlooms that have been for long years a part of the family life and experience, seen and enjoyed daily. It is attractive to some people to wander through galleries displaying fine arts, whatever that term includes, how much more interesting should be the daily awareness of seeing and caring for beautiful things that we own, or properly speaking posses us.----

For me this explains why most of my possessions are valuable to me for the sentiment vs what was spent to obtain them.
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Responses: 1
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
"things with a personal relationship" ... well said. Thank you for this reminder of what truly matters.
SGT Aaron Atwood
SGT Aaron Atwood
2 mo
Of everything he listed the vast majority has some sort of story with it. Of all he listed I've seen, touched, and handled in person one item that easily goes back to the early 19th century.
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