Posted on Jul 19, 2015
SPC Tiffany Ivanov
I am PCSing to 1 SQ 2nd Cav in Vilseck, Germany and my report date is March 2016. My husband and I reenlisted for Germany and will be command sponsored with our 2 year old daughter. Any info you can give me about what to expect, what I should do to make the transition easier, etc, would be greatly appreciated.
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Responses: 24
SSG Retention and Transition NCO (USAR)
SPC Ivanov,

If you have pets start getting their health certificates ready and contact your nearest Patriot Express (SPACE-A flight) to get y'all's flight ready. Expect to spend some time in the hotel, whether it's on Tower Barracks or Rose Barracks. Housing works really well, but because of the AO it takes some time to find you housing so be patient. To get ahead of the learning curve you and your husband can google the drivers test for Germany, it will help tremendously! Also you'll be PCSing during the "winter" it's a dry cold but it's sporadic. DRESS FOR GERMANY not the weather. TTP always have an umbrella and jacket in your vehicle. The unit was founded 23 May 1836 get to know it! Also learn the Regimental Song (Hit the Leather and Ride). All in all if your sponsor can't get you an answer feel free to message me and I will answer you as soon as possible. WELCOME TO GERMANY! ALWAYS READY!!
SSG Retention and Transition NCO (USAR)
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
Just remember it's about where you are at and not where you are from....come here willing to embrace the culture, the unit and the traditions and you'll be fine. If you see something you don't like change it at your level and make it better for the next person coming in. You come here with that perspective or anywhere and you'll excel!
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
9 y
SSG (Join to see) - Thank you for giving this soldier such excellent advice.
SSG Retention and Transition NCO (USAR)
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
SSG Webster,

I truly appreciate your candor, honestly I really enjoy helping Soldiers. It's a shame we as leaders forget that our foundation is to teach, coach and mentor. It means a lot when a peer can see it, because to me that means you understand and remember our obligation to all Soldiers.
Sally Jane Anderson
Sally Jane Anderson
>1 y
My son is coming to Camp Vilseck, Germany in 14 weeks. He is a PFC and has a dog. Will he be able to bring it?
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SSG Supply Sergeant (S4)
You at coming to the same unit I am in just a different squadron. Just make sure you get in contact with your sponsor a few months out. Also make sure you keep in contact with them while you are traveling so they know exactly when you get to Graf so they will be waiting on you when you get there. If not you will be waiting 30 or so minutes because that is how long it takes to get to Graf from Vilseck. It takes about two and a half weeks to inprocess because you have to go through a bunch of mandatory classes. Also if you have your multi can do not turn it in at your losing CIF because that is the uniform for the regiment. I am sure I will come up with more later and I will with send you a message or post on here.
SPC Tiffany Ivanov
SPC Tiffany Ivanov
9 y
Fantastic! You have been extremely helpful and I sincerely appreciate it. Please feel free to contact me about even the most minute detail. :)
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
9 y
SSG (Join to see) - Thank you for giving this soldier such excellent advice.
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SFC Founder
When you get Euros, get it off post because the exchange rate is better than on post banks. Check out Antonio's Italian Restaurant in Vilseck.
SSG Shawn Ireland
SSG Shawn Ireland
9 y
If you get to travel a little and end up in Bamberg, you have to go to Kings Inn! It's the best Gausthaus in town, without a doubt. That use to be our hangout back in78! They serve a alt beer that is only on tap, it Kulimbacher alt, made by Eku! I wish I had one now. Just don't fall for the smoked beer as you will still taste it for a couple days. It is definitely different.
SSG Martin Reyna
SSG Martin Reyna
>1 y
For a good steak got to the town of Pottenstein. Small but famous restaurant there named Steak on a stone... You guys will love it.
SFC Founder
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Martin Reyna - I ate there before.
SPC Paul Guerrero
SPC Paul Guerrero
1 y
When I was there the rate was better at McDonald's and burger kings than the atms.
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