Why is Vice-President Harris being saluted by uniformed military personnel as she board Air Force Two? It is my understanding that only the CIC and the Secretary of your own military branch gets saluted. That is what I was taught in my Air Force Leadership Development Course. I was also told that Pelosi when she was Speaker of the House tried to insist that she should be saluted.
Posted in these groups:
Customs and Courtesies
Office of the Vice President (VPOTUS)

Posted 7 mo ago
Responses: 12
Edited 7 mo ago
Posted 7 mo ago
This isn't something unique to this administration.
While the Vice President is not in the chain of command, the military personnel do it as a courtesy.
Actually, it would be more accurate to say that the Services extend the courtesy to the VP and that the military personnel do it because they've been instructed to do so.
I believe the Air Force is the only Service that specifically states the Vice President will be rendered a hand salute (AFI 34-1201*, section in applicable settings, while the other Services only specifically state the President.
* AFI34-1201 - https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/saf_ds/publication/afi34-1201/afi34-1201.pdf
While the Vice President is not in the chain of command, the military personnel do it as a courtesy.
Actually, it would be more accurate to say that the Services extend the courtesy to the VP and that the military personnel do it because they've been instructed to do so.
I believe the Air Force is the only Service that specifically states the Vice President will be rendered a hand salute (AFI 34-1201*, section in applicable settings, while the other Services only specifically state the President.
* AFI34-1201 - https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/saf_ds/publication/afi34-1201/afi34-1201.pdf
LTC Trent Klug
7 mo
Yeah, well it may be a courtesy but it's wrong and our service SEA'S need to put a stop to it.
COL Randall C.
7 mo
While there are many ‘formally enforceable’ restrictions and guidance (Law, punitive regulations, etc.) in the Military and the respective Services, the Services were built on military traditions of which many of the applicable customs have become common law of the Service(s).
Repercussions from violations of these customs and associated courtesies range from the individual being seen as ill-mannered or uneducated to that individual being on the wrong side of ‘discussions’ with senior leaders and/or disciplinary actions.
While only the Air Force (and by extension, the Space Force until they come up with their own “Space Force Protocol” regulations) stipulates* that the Vice President will be rendered a salute by Airmen when they are in uniform, that codification came from the custom that senior civilian leaders entitled to formal military honors are also rendered a hand salute if applicable.
Repercussions from violations of these customs and associated courtesies range from the individual being seen as ill-mannered or uneducated to that individual being on the wrong side of ‘discussions’ with senior leaders and/or disciplinary actions.
While only the Air Force (and by extension, the Space Force until they come up with their own “Space Force Protocol” regulations) stipulates* that the Vice President will be rendered a salute by Airmen when they are in uniform, that codification came from the custom that senior civilian leaders entitled to formal military honors are also rendered a hand salute if applicable.
SPC Matt Ovaska
4 mo
I respect dog catchers, but to salute the office. You got to be kidding.
Officers asked me not to salute them in in combat. Those of us who work for a living never know what they want.
Officers asked me not to salute them in in combat. Those of us who work for a living never know what they want.
Posted 7 mo ago
I agree that only the Chain of Command rates a salute.
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