Mission Command
Soldier uses Command Post of the Future (CPOF).
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Mission Command is the conduct of military operations through decentralized execution based upon mission-type orders. Joint Publication 3-0, “Joint Operations” 11 Aug 2011.
“Mission Command is a continual cognitive effort to understand, to adapt, and to direct effectively the achievement of intent.” CJCS White Paper on Mission Command.
“Mission Command is a continual cognitive effort to understand, to adapt, and to direct effectively the achievement of intent.” CJCS White Paper on Mission Command.
“One of the myths of Mission Command is that it equals less or little control. In some ways this could not be further from the truth. Mission Command is the balancing of Command and Control, and different ways to gain control. I would offer that universal understanding of Commander’s Intent is a very powerful method of control.” Senior Flag Officer 2013
Most recent contributors: MSgt Ken "Airsoldier" Collins-Hardy