The "Colonel's" Daily Motivational, Inspirational, & Leadership Quotes of the Day!
"Road Ahead!"
“Dealing with criticism is part of leadership. Leaders have to constantly keep their eyes on the road ahead, instead of worrying about criticism! Surround yourself with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) that provide solid feedback and trust your decisions. Be ready and open for criticism — the road ahead can always be bumpy!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs, CEO, Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV)
"Road Ahead!"
“Dealing with criticism is part of leadership. Leaders have to constantly keep their eyes on the road ahead, instead of worrying about criticism! Surround yourself with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) that provide solid feedback and trust your decisions. Be ready and open for criticism — the road ahead can always be bumpy!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs, CEO, Victory for Veterans, Inc. (VFV)
Edited 3 mo ago
Posted 3 mo ago
Responses: 5
Posted 3 mo ago
I find it interesting that often the people that are most critical of others when asked don't seem to have any solutions or even a suggestion but only prove they have a big mouth and a small brain and add nothing to any sort of team effort. Most people are NOT in that category but those that are often never move on and accomplish anything themselves ! The bottom line stay on the road and press ahead but then again actual good suggestions may help from others actually traveling the road to the same goal as You are.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
3 mo
EXACTLY ~~ They Attempt To Bring Others Down To Their Level
Rather Than Earning Their Way Up To The Higher Level.
Rather Than Earning Their Way Up To The Higher Level.
Posted 3 mo ago
As countless instructors told me, don't worry about what's behind you or in the cockpit, focus on what's out in front, because that's where you are going.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
3 mo
I've Hear A Very Similar Statement ~ Almost Identical~
"Don't Look Behind Yourself, That's Not The Direction You're Heading"
I Don't Understand Why This Information Is NOT Taught In Our Schools.
Once You've Helped Someone Develop A Positive Attitude , Which Aids In Their
Self Confidence, An Entire Would Can Open-Up To Them Where They Can See
And Develop A Better Life For Themselves And Others Around Them
"Don't Look Behind Yourself, That's Not The Direction You're Heading"
I Don't Understand Why This Information Is NOT Taught In Our Schools.
Once You've Helped Someone Develop A Positive Attitude , Which Aids In Their
Self Confidence, An Entire Would Can Open-Up To Them Where They Can See
And Develop A Better Life For Themselves And Others Around Them
Posted 3 mo ago
Good morning Sir. When it comes to life be prepared for the unexpected. Have a great day.
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