Posted on Mar 27, 2021
Wouldn't it make sense to allow soldiers to earn their wings through DOD Civillian Schools run by Vets?
Wouldn't it be a value add to allow soldiers who couldn't get a slot for Ft. Benning to go to a DOD approved Civillian school run by Veterans (special forces, rangers, 101st) and earn their wings there? They could then be tested after 5 jumps on their knowledge to be allowed to get the asi. There would be the benefit of more qualified soldiers, more knowledge, more experience, it would cost the Army less (paid by the soldiers who want to go), and still offer the same sense of pride. There is also the added benefit you wouldn't have to go to one place to get this training you could go to more locations and earn the wings.
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 15
No we tried the crap years ago- almost every major post had Jump training (FBGA, FBNC, Alaska, Italy) there were 2 or 3 Air Assault places, and many post had Recondo or sniper schools. All with their own curriculum. It was an absolute mess. And everybody was paying for those schools out of their own post funds. They are set up now, not to make life easier for folks, or easier to get into but to have 1 master reporting to 1 HQ, with the funds to du it right.It w
LTC Jason Mackay
The RC also had a number of schools, one that comes to mind is Air Assault at Camp Gruber OK. They used the standard POI from Benning for Air Assault and Pathfinder. Issue became that units were getting pounded over MOSQ, so the resources were diverted to get more soldiers MOSQ through RTIs and PECs. They also had to cough up the trainers and dollars out of hide as you describe. Just didn't hold up.
My answer is NO, the Army has done a great job getting people of the Army as well as other services jump qualified. I doubt anyone else could do better or cover the subject as well and jump from the same sort of aircraft they would be use in any combat or other Military Operations. Even on packing parachutes with maximum safety applied. This is something that isn't broken and needs no fixing and has worked well for decades.
The Army needs about 60,000 Soldiers on airborne status, and the school has the capacity to put through over 18,000 per year.
We have enough seats.
We have enough seats.
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