so my husband is at ait for 17 weeks and he just got there. i had planned on getting an apartment there considering it’s on the other side of the country. i was told i may be eligible for on base housing. I’m still really new to all of this and don’t understand how this works. i didn’t even know if i would be able to see him at all, but if i were able to get on base housing it would make my life much easier so i thought it would be worth asking. and information is helpful because i’m in the dark on a lot of things! thanks!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Courtney Philpot 20 weeks is the minimum threshold to be authorized to move family and have quarters.
I would recommend against establishing a household near his AIT location while he is at initial entry training. I'd hold what you got and prepare to move to the first permanent duty station. You'd be doing it on your own dime and it is expensive and your husband won't have time really to hang out. The only exception to that opinion is if he will be stationed where his AIT is. Then the best way is for the SM to get orders amended through his chain of command and get the PCS move covered by the Army. You would not be authorized government quarters there because of the AIT duration. There is also the matter of having a short term lease which will either be pricey or a seedy dive.
Each time you have a permanent change of station (PCS) once out of initial entry training, there is an authorization plugged in by way of orders to move household goods and family members. If he gets a dependent restricted tour to Korea as an example, the household is moved to a location where your family has support (like your home town or you may remain at the losing station) and the SM moves with a small weight authorization to the restricted location. More than likely, your family will receive orders to a new duty station and you will be moving at government expense, within an established weight limit (or you pay extra). You'll be authorized a dislocation allowance and temporary lodging expense that you'll be REIMBURSED for. You'll need cash up front. Once you get a rental, home purchased, or government quarters, you recieve your household goods. Reimbursement is filed for at in processing. Keep ALL your travel related receipts! Never give the only copy. Finance will lose it. Make a copy of everything before he files the voucher. Get a scan app for the phone and scan in the voucher too.
Driving: your SM is authorized so many days for travel based on the miles from Losing to gaining. Third and fourth stops for family visits etc, not covered. Manage the leave days, which he will have to have covered by a leave form DA31. Sometimes the government will only give the constructive cost of an air fare. ask.
You receive a Basic Allowance for Housing based on your zip code, rank, and whether you have dependents or not if you are not occupying government quarters.
It's important for your SM to get a sponsor to help receive you at the other end and provide local information to smooth your transition. It's also important if at all possible, to attend the LEVY BRIEF where the soldier goes and gets information on the process. You can empty your 30round question magazine at the same time. The other place is the transportation appointment at JPPSO. They'll tell you how much you are authorized for weight. This is where you schedule the move on your FIRST PCS. There after it is an online process, but you can always call with questions. You may also get a Personally Procured Move where you DIY the move. More outlay for you upfront, but the reimbursement is all yours. You may do a hybrid of the two as long as you are within the weight allowance for your family.
I would recommend against establishing a household near his AIT location while he is at initial entry training. I'd hold what you got and prepare to move to the first permanent duty station. You'd be doing it on your own dime and it is expensive and your husband won't have time really to hang out. The only exception to that opinion is if he will be stationed where his AIT is. Then the best way is for the SM to get orders amended through his chain of command and get the PCS move covered by the Army. You would not be authorized government quarters there because of the AIT duration. There is also the matter of having a short term lease which will either be pricey or a seedy dive.
Each time you have a permanent change of station (PCS) once out of initial entry training, there is an authorization plugged in by way of orders to move household goods and family members. If he gets a dependent restricted tour to Korea as an example, the household is moved to a location where your family has support (like your home town or you may remain at the losing station) and the SM moves with a small weight authorization to the restricted location. More than likely, your family will receive orders to a new duty station and you will be moving at government expense, within an established weight limit (or you pay extra). You'll be authorized a dislocation allowance and temporary lodging expense that you'll be REIMBURSED for. You'll need cash up front. Once you get a rental, home purchased, or government quarters, you recieve your household goods. Reimbursement is filed for at in processing. Keep ALL your travel related receipts! Never give the only copy. Finance will lose it. Make a copy of everything before he files the voucher. Get a scan app for the phone and scan in the voucher too.
Driving: your SM is authorized so many days for travel based on the miles from Losing to gaining. Third and fourth stops for family visits etc, not covered. Manage the leave days, which he will have to have covered by a leave form DA31. Sometimes the government will only give the constructive cost of an air fare. ask.
You receive a Basic Allowance for Housing based on your zip code, rank, and whether you have dependents or not if you are not occupying government quarters.
It's important for your SM to get a sponsor to help receive you at the other end and provide local information to smooth your transition. It's also important if at all possible, to attend the LEVY BRIEF where the soldier goes and gets information on the process. You can empty your 30round question magazine at the same time. The other place is the transportation appointment at JPPSO. They'll tell you how much you are authorized for weight. This is where you schedule the move on your FIRST PCS. There after it is an online process, but you can always call with questions. You may also get a Personally Procured Move where you DIY the move. More outlay for you upfront, but the reimbursement is all yours. You may do a hybrid of the two as long as you are within the weight allowance for your family.
LTC Jason Mackay
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I believe the magic number of weeks in 20+, so as far as I know- zero base housing.
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