Posted on Jun 14, 2016
With the new tragedies that ISIS has claimed in Orlando and France, how can we stop the threat of terror instead of focusing on guns?
Al Qadea, Armed Islamic Group, ISIS...they're all the same group with different names. These terrorists will not be stopped by diplomacy and Geneva convention tactics, all they know is war and they are willing to die for their cause. Do we really think that tightening gun control, lessening our troops and keeping them spread out is going to make this get any better?
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 8
Posted 9 y ago
How to cure gun control nuts!
I see Doctors being required to report depression, PTSD, and other "Mental Illnesses" to police to enable gun confiscation! I see police checking death certificates and going to the deceased home to confiscate all firearms, the family is neither allowed to sell them or will them to other qualified family members! Where in the US is crime the highest? Washington DC, still vainly trying to keep unconstitutional anti gun laws, New York, Chicago, all with strict anti gun laws! When cities like Detroit which had high crime relaxed their strict gun control laws crime went DOWN! So Lets propose a LAW with no provision for exemption for any elected officials, appointed bureaucrats, union officials or business owners. Any one who introduces, co-sponsors, supports, or finances any “gun control legislation”, should immediately lose all right to own, or carry any firearm, all CCW permit(s) they have should be revoked. They also should be prohibited from hiring or being assigned any armed security, this would include the Secret service, and Congressional Police, these organizations should be disbanded, and their members reassigned to other law enforcement agencies. Any anti-gunner from the President on down, politicians, elected officials, bureaucrats, jurists, lame stream media propagandists, public indoctrination system employees. All media who support gun control, should Be prohibited from profiting from any media using guns for entertainment, no videos or video games glorifying the use of gun violence should be allowed. Anyone who insists on banning the carry of guns in any community, county, state, the U.S., or business establishing “Gun Free Zones' criminals refer to them as “Target Rich Environments' should be culpable for any death or injury incurred to those unable to legally defend themselves because of these draconian laws. Whoever is responsible for instituting that law, ordinance, regulation,or policy, shall be held criminally, and civilly accountable for any harm to anyone because of these restrictions. The perpetrators of such laws, ordinances, regulations, or policies shall be held responsible to defend all disarmed persons, failure to protect the disarmed citizen or allow citizens to arm and protect themselves, should be as subject to prosecution as the perpetrator for criminal and civil charges with the same mandatory prison time and civil compensation required of those convicted criminals and tyrants.
I see Doctors being required to report depression, PTSD, and other "Mental Illnesses" to police to enable gun confiscation! I see police checking death certificates and going to the deceased home to confiscate all firearms, the family is neither allowed to sell them or will them to other qualified family members! Where in the US is crime the highest? Washington DC, still vainly trying to keep unconstitutional anti gun laws, New York, Chicago, all with strict anti gun laws! When cities like Detroit which had high crime relaxed their strict gun control laws crime went DOWN! So Lets propose a LAW with no provision for exemption for any elected officials, appointed bureaucrats, union officials or business owners. Any one who introduces, co-sponsors, supports, or finances any “gun control legislation”, should immediately lose all right to own, or carry any firearm, all CCW permit(s) they have should be revoked. They also should be prohibited from hiring or being assigned any armed security, this would include the Secret service, and Congressional Police, these organizations should be disbanded, and their members reassigned to other law enforcement agencies. Any anti-gunner from the President on down, politicians, elected officials, bureaucrats, jurists, lame stream media propagandists, public indoctrination system employees. All media who support gun control, should Be prohibited from profiting from any media using guns for entertainment, no videos or video games glorifying the use of gun violence should be allowed. Anyone who insists on banning the carry of guns in any community, county, state, the U.S., or business establishing “Gun Free Zones' criminals refer to them as “Target Rich Environments' should be culpable for any death or injury incurred to those unable to legally defend themselves because of these draconian laws. Whoever is responsible for instituting that law, ordinance, regulation,or policy, shall be held criminally, and civilly accountable for any harm to anyone because of these restrictions. The perpetrators of such laws, ordinances, regulations, or policies shall be held responsible to defend all disarmed persons, failure to protect the disarmed citizen or allow citizens to arm and protect themselves, should be as subject to prosecution as the perpetrator for criminal and civil charges with the same mandatory prison time and civil compensation required of those convicted criminals and tyrants.
Posted 9 y ago
How about REQUIRING adult citizens to go about armed, and to be trained in personal defense. These mass shootings occur in "gun free zones" - imagine if just one (or imagine 25!) armed individuals confronting the terrorist when he pulled out his rifle......he could have been put down in seconds - and no drama for the TV, no fodder for the gun control crowd, etc. Problem >> solution.
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
I have always been a fan of making kids enlist in the military for a minimum of 2 years upon completion of high school. I think that would be great for our country because it would instill values into these kids that a lot of them are not getting at home. It would also add more numbers to our forces, help these kids get an education or valuable life skills that they can use forever.
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