Posted on Oct 6, 2015
MAJ Operations Officer (S3)
I wanted to pose this discussion differently by addressing those asking about why we should have the 2nd amendment, why should you be able to own "XYZ", why do you hate children, etc, by using a different line of thinking, basically replacing "gun" with "vote".

Why should you have the right to vote? Should voting not be highly regulated and only allowed for those who are deemed worthy by the government? After all, a collective of voters will put a candidate into power, and on the national level that has dire implications. You could vote a person into power that may spend trillions of dollars on a myriad of programs, some you may or may not agree with. Those programs could be life or death for millions of people. The laws they enact could save or hurt lives (both physically and/or emotionally). The wars or actions these people take not only put our lives at risk but the lives of countless millions throughout the world.

I understand why the 15th and subsequent amendments concerning voting rights were established, but we're past that now, it's beyond race or sex discrimination, the old laws are irrelevant. We have to make every single person directly responsible for their vote so that it can't be bought off/sold either through direct benefits like appointments to office, receiving social benefits, getting favorable action from the government, etc. People need to prove that they are mentally capable individuals that are in their right mind when they vote, hence everyone should get a screening. Further, everyone should be put into a database, fingerprinted, and required to have a state license proving that they have been deemed qualified to vote. It doesn't matter if you as an individual are responsible with your vote. It doesn't matter if you've studied history, the candidates, are well versed on politics and the issues; it's "everyone else" that we are worried about.

And troll.
Posted in these groups: 2nd amendment logo 2nd AmendmentDd389bad Gun Control
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 16
SCPO David Lockwood
Guns are our constitutional right. We need to vote to keep our constitutional rights!
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
9 y
Constitutional Protection.
SCPO David Lockwood
SCPO David Lockwood
9 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS - Excellent point Sgt Kennedy!
MAJ Operations Officer (S3)
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
Agreed on all.....the constitutional protections (all of them) are the governments contract with the people to guarantee them the boundaries that separate the federal and state governments in relation to the people and how they live, in essence they are the checks and balances for the people to gauge the legitimacy of their government. If those are stripped away we cease our run as a constitutional republic.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
It's not about "need." Need is irrelevant when discussion Rights.

But remember, the Government doesn't "allow" anything. It Prohibits things. There is a difference.

Everything is allowed unless it is prohibited. That's how Freedom works. Our system, realized that the Government would quickly add prohibitions, so it enshrined Protections against Prohibitions. We call it the "Bill of Rights" which is a Misnomer. It's the Bill of Protections. It says what our government cannot Prohibit, not what we are Allowed.

It's never been about "need." The problem is that most people don't take Civics classes, and a solid portion of those who do, don't understand the 4 page document which we call the Constitution, or the 2 page Document we call the Declaration of Independence, nor how they came about. Both of which can be explained EASILY in a single afternoon.

Neither document are hard to understand. None of the Protections are hard to understand. None of the Amendments (et al) are hard to understand. Heck, how they work together isn't even hard. It's not until we get DEEP into the interpretation of case law does it get tricky, and even then most of that is pretty easy to understand once you understand the clauses.
MAJ Operations Officer (S3)
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
Thanks for your input Sgt, please see my additional post clarifying the intent of what I originally posted....may clear up some things, but I think we are on the same train of thought.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
9 y
MAJ (Join to see) - I saw the "and troll" and assumed the /sarcasm of the post, but we have to assume Poe's Law is always in effect, even with clear markings.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
9 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS I agree with you about "need." Asking why you need a particular gun is like asking why you need to vote or why you need to not testify against yourself. It's an illegitimate question.
CPL Steve Freeman
CPL Steve Freeman
>1 y
People make it difficult to justify their existences and/or opposing ideology.
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CW3 Jim Norris
I need guns to protect my herd from predators (two and four legged - which requires differing tools) and to hunt with. I need to vote because our form of Democracy is the worst form of government known to man - except for every other form that been tried in the history of man.

I am indeed one of the 'bitter people who cling to their guns and Bibles' can recognize us throughout the history of our nation - the ones bleeding and dying in foreign lands. The ones working from daylight til dark six days a weeks in our fields and herds and then teaching Sunday School to the kids. The ones who cry when the flag goes by stand at attention and sing the national anthem. You'll see us bowing our heads before meals in restaurants and thanking our God for the ability to leave a large tip and a smile. On Mothers Day you'll find us at the grave marker of our Mom thanking her for her sacrifice for us and her courage, beauty and grace. On Veterans Day we usually are found at Dad's graveside expressing our pride in his service, integrity, leadership and example to us. Then being at the VFW for a BBQ and backslapping, war story telling afternoon with our brothers in arms......I need my liberty so I can protect yours and mine.
MAJ Matthew Arnold
MAJ Matthew Arnold
9 y
Nicely done.
CPL Kyle Yarbro
CPL Kyle Yarbro
>1 y
Wonderful post chief!
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