Posted on Jul 23, 2020
Is it possible to go Green to Gold as an AGR soldier?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Posted >1 y ago
Green to Gold is a Regular Army Active Duty program. You can still go to college while you are AGR but you will have to go on your own. I was in the National Guard and went to college online. The issue is that while you are in the Regular Army you will incur a service obligation when you go Green to Gold. The Reserve components don't work the same way. There are programs out there for going to college while in the Reserves, like the Simultaneous Membership Program, but I don't know of any programs that cater to AGR going to college. Even if you did go to college you would not be guaranteed an AGR position.
Posted >1 y ago
GoArmy web page specifically mentions "Active Duty". While AGR is full-time, it is still considered a type of Reserve status (TPU, IMA, etc.). You may have to wait until current tour is finished or ask for conditional release if wanting to do college ROTC. You should ask your branch manager to verify.

When you enroll in Army ROTC, you'll get more than college degree and scholarships. Gain leadership skills you can apply to your career and as an Officer.
Posted >1 y ago
From my experiences with this question, nobody really knows. I’ve asked universities and HRC but never got a direct answer.
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