Posted on May 13, 2016
As a veteran or active duty service member do you feel that your issues are being addressed?
I ask this because the Senate is set to vote on the FY2017 budget and it includes cuts to VA benefits and military spending focusing on more out sourcing of military jobs. Do you think you should have to serve 15 year to qualify for medical retirement due to injuries suffered in combat? Do you believe that government should be able to sue you for your signing bonus if you fall to serve your full term of your enlistment due to hardships suffered during combat? Do believe that if you suffer disabling injuries during ative duty and are not allowed military retirement pension that you should receive the Maximum VA pension? Do you think that the most severely disabled service connected disabled veteran should receive Quality Of Life payments? Do you think that Veterans even have a right to ask for such support?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 12
LCpl Timothy McCain - when I joined in 1972 there were no restrictions to your benefits... if you got fucked up in service to your country, you were taken care of. I believe that any erosion of those benefits should require politicians to serve in he military. Bet there would be a quick reversal!
I personally believe we should cut the Senate and House members salary down and put that money towards VA benefits.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
They should not get the health benefits that vets do and they should have been required to go on Obama care and lose their sweethart insurance as most Americans did. The vets in office should be the only ones to recieve healthcare at military hospitals such as Bethesda.
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