It was a brief writing assignment in a popular History class. My colleague didn't seem to take it very seriously.
"Man, I can crap a single page!" Perhaps a bit crude for this professional platform, but I won't bowdlerize it. He met the requirements of the assignment and perhaps a little more.
I saw the single-page assignment as a challenge to coherently express intelligent thoughts and observations, with little space to expound on them.
Later, I heard him asking the professor what made my final paper an 'A' while his was a more average grade.
We all have our areas of focus, expertise, and enjoyment. I won't say there's anything wrong with his choice to put less effort into those papers. He presumably put that effort into other areas of higher value to him.
However, my commitment to excellence developed me into the writer I am today, with articles published by mainstream platforms and major libertarian organizations.
"Man, I can crap a single page!" Perhaps a bit crude for this professional platform, but I won't bowdlerize it. He met the requirements of the assignment and perhaps a little more.
I saw the single-page assignment as a challenge to coherently express intelligent thoughts and observations, with little space to expound on them.
Later, I heard him asking the professor what made my final paper an 'A' while his was a more average grade.
We all have our areas of focus, expertise, and enjoyment. I won't say there's anything wrong with his choice to put less effort into those papers. He presumably put that effort into other areas of higher value to him.
However, my commitment to excellence developed me into the writer I am today, with articles published by mainstream platforms and major libertarian organizations.
Edited 8 mo ago
Posted 8 mo ago
Responses: 5
Posted 8 mo ago
Must be something in the air today. For I just posted about the power of words. Then I read your Post and CPT Jack's comment. So folks do take Writing (and words) seriously.
CPT Jack Durish
8 mo
Very seriously. My wife used to buy every book on etymology that she stumbled upon knowing how it would please me. Possibly, you'll be as interested in this article as I was when it was first published... https://www.americanheritage.com/slang
It’s the poetry every American writes every day—a centuries-old epic of abuse, taunt, criminality, love, and bright, mocking beauty.
SGT Kevin Hughes
8 mo
CPT Jack Durish - Just finished reading the article! Out of sight! LOL Had no idea that the famous "Alcott " Family name was changed because of "cocks". Finally I know the origin of "OK". I think "cowpoke" is the one that surprised me the most. I was sure it was a common slang term back in the old West. And I never knew that "occupy" was Victorian slang for "getting it on." Wow. What a fun read! Thanks for that. I did also send it along to both my daughters. - one is a Writer, and both are avid readers.
Posted 8 mo ago
"bowdlerize " Now there's a word I haven't heard in several decades. I wish to thank SPC Henry for using it. Inasmuch as I'm just two months younger than the current occupant of the Oval Office (I cannot bring myself to name him President), I live in fear of waking up some morning frozen in dementia. Remembering arcane terms is a good test of mental acuity.
SGT Kevin Hughes
8 mo
CPT Jack Durish - That made me laugh, I know they mean a Latte...not coffee. But it is becoming a generic term for going to a Starbucks. I rarely hear younger folks say: "Want to get a cup of coffee?" But I often hear them say: "Wanna grab a Latte?" I am a tea drinker...so nobody asks me.
CPT Jack Durish
8 mo
SGT Kevin Hughes - "Starbucks" and "coffee" don't belong in the same sentence, paragraph, page, or planet.
SGT Kevin Hughes
8 mo
CPT Jack Durish - The world has changed around us. Starbucks is now the default for Coffee Shop. Fits right in with the Article you shared with me. And I loved your alliteration in your sentence: "...paragraph, page, or planet." That reads so well. Java joints are a thing of the Past.
Posted 8 mo ago
MONTBLANC Around The World : Los Angeles | '100 Years of MEISTERSTÜCK' l
Montblanc Around The WorldDestination: Los Angeles, California.Montblanc debuted its new global campaign to mark the centennial milestone of its iconic Meist...
Fire. For. Effect ---> Been Meisterstück-ing since forever.
SGT Kevin Hughes
8 mo
Got one of their pens as a Christmas present from my girl back in high school. It didn’t matter nobody could read my handwriting anyway.
CPT (Join to see)
8 mo
Should this be everyone’s grail pen? | Montblanc Meisterstuck 149 Review
#Montblanc149 #Montblanc #meisterstuck #fountainpenreviewThis review is about the iconic Montblanc Meisterstuck 149 fountain pen, I’ll be showing the parts ...
SGT Kevin Hughes ---> Nice! Acquired a full quiver of MBs over the years. The 149 = still my favorite.
SGT Kevin Hughes
8 mo
CPT (Join to see) - I had one of those up until about age fifty. I lost it in one of our many moves. I believe it was the same one that my old girl bought me in HS. My penmanship sucks as I have little fine motor control. No matter how many times the Nuns beat my knuckles with the copper edged ruler. It wasn't from lack of effort tho. I am both Autistic and a preemie (four months early...back then the odds I would survive were not high) and hands are the last to develop. So that's my excuse. But give one of these pens to any of my brothers, sisters, or Mom and Dad, and they could write like the guy in the Video. By the way, I loved the intro Music and background music he played!
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