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Responses: 3
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
thanks for sharing.
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SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
I am glad to see them making progress. DD214's are important for service members. They don't seem to say. what caused this!
CPO David R. D.
CPO David R. D.
>1 y
Just saw this on another page, which was a response to someone's question who retired many years ago asking why someone would leave the service (retire or separate) without their DD-214. Gives a basic idea of why things are now, the way they are.

"You really need to read through the various threads in the timeline, cause it's really obvious you have no clue what's happening in the current personnel support system, and your comments are pretty irrelevant to the current problem. The MCPON is aware the chain of command is aware, everybody is aware somebody will need to admit that it's really screwed up and gong back is going to take a lot of money and time, going forward to make it work will take less money and hopefully less time.. A major mistake fixing something that wasn't broken has occurred. The Navy eliminated the PSD's and went to regional and task specific support centers. If you want to retire or separate and you are stationed in Yokosuka it goes through Norfolk, reenlistments through Naples etc. etc. It is a disaster affecting every sailor in everything from getting promoted to settling travel claim. The personnel actions are started at the duty station then funneled through the regional centers and they are staffed by low level civil service not sailors and chiefs. If you read the several dozen threads in the timeline you will see that having your DD-214 when you retire is now the exception, getting your retirement pay started also a major wait etc etc."
CPO David R. D.
CPO David R. D.
>1 y
CPO David R. D. - I retired in 2016, I had my DD-214 in hand many days before I left Oahu and headed back to the mainland. Paperwork was easy, because I could go face-to-face with my retirement clerk at PSD.
SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
SFC David Reid, M.S, PHR, SHRM-CP, DTM
>1 y
CPO David R. D. My, my how things have changed!
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
CPO David R. D. - In my case, the rodent proof box where I kept all my important papers, wasn't rodent proof. When I opened the box to replace my will, I found a bunch of shred. It made excellent bedding for generations of mice. I left a certified copy with my brother. He still has it, but I need to replace the original.
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Maj John Bell
I'm just under 2 years waiting for a replacement copy.
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