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Command Sponsorship
Posted on Jan 21, 2025
Can my new husband get his PCS orders amended if he hasn’t received his hardcopy orders? Will his orders be updated to include us?
My husband went into the army as a single soldier we were engaged. We recently got married on HBL. When he got back to base he seen his online orders to pcs to South Korea. He has added our kids and I to DEERS. My question is can he get his orders amended being that he hasn’t received his hard orders? Will his orders be updated with us on them?
Posted 2 mo ago
Responses: 2
Edited 2 mo ago
Posted 2 mo ago
He'll have to request that his orders are changed. Specifically, in order for dependents to travel with the service member to an OCONUS location, he'll have to obtain Command Sponsorship*.
Are you a dual military couple? Your profile shows you as an active duty enlisted Soldier (unless your profile doesn't match who you are). If so, then that's an additional matter that will have to be addressed. Command Sponsorship (if approved) will cover the children, but in order for the two of you to be stationed together you need to be enrolled in the Married Army Couples Program (MACP)*
* Obtaining Command Sponsorship Before an OCONUS Move - https://www.militaryonesource.mil/benefits/obtaining-command-sponsorship-before-oconus-move/
* Permanent Change of Station (PCS) OCONUS - https://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Benefit-Library/Federal-Benefits/Permanent-Change-of-Station-(PCS)-OCONUS?serv=121
* Military Couples: When Both Spouses Are Service Members - https://www.militaryonesource.mil/relationships/married-domestic-partner/military-couples-when-both-spouses-are-service-members/
Are you a dual military couple? Your profile shows you as an active duty enlisted Soldier (unless your profile doesn't match who you are). If so, then that's an additional matter that will have to be addressed. Command Sponsorship (if approved) will cover the children, but in order for the two of you to be stationed together you need to be enrolled in the Married Army Couples Program (MACP)*
* Obtaining Command Sponsorship Before an OCONUS Move - https://www.militaryonesource.mil/benefits/obtaining-command-sponsorship-before-oconus-move/
* Permanent Change of Station (PCS) OCONUS - https://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Benefit-Library/Federal-Benefits/Permanent-Change-of-Station-(PCS)-OCONUS?serv=121
* Military Couples: When Both Spouses Are Service Members - https://www.militaryonesource.mil/relationships/married-domestic-partner/military-couples-when-both-spouses-are-service-members/
Command Sponsorship for OCONUS Move | Military OneSource
Service members who want to move overseas with their family must obtain command sponsorship, or accompanied orders, for full military benefits.
COL Randall C.
2 mo
Termyria Jordan - The website I shared with you (Military OneSource) is probably something you want to 'bookmark'. It's an official DoD "help site" and can help you with pretty much everything related to the military.
As the blurb on the website states, "Military OneSource from the Defense Department is your 24/7 gateway to trusted information, resources and confidential help. When MilLife happens, it’s your “first line of support” — giving service members and military families tools to stay well and thrive."
As the blurb on the website states, "Military OneSource from the Defense Department is your 24/7 gateway to trusted information, resources and confidential help. When MilLife happens, it’s your “first line of support” — giving service members and military families tools to stay well and thrive."
Termyria Jordan
2 mo
COL Randall C. thank you so much. I have another question which I am praying that we are able to be accompanied or stations are changed. If it’s an unaccompanied duty will I receive BAH housing in our state or where ever he is located for AIT?
COL Randall C.
2 mo
If he's sent on an unaccompanied tour, he'll receive the BAH w/dependents rate based on the zip code of of where you're at.
Although your husband should be led through by the hand though the Command Sponsorship request while in AIT, you indicated that he might not have the best leadership.
That means he'll have to be proactive. Since you mentioned going to South Korea, here's the 8th Army's page on Command Sponsorship, with links and cheesy videos/flowcharts for the process - https://8tharmy.korea.army.mil/site/newcomers/command-Sponsorship.asp
Although your husband should be led through by the hand though the Command Sponsorship request while in AIT, you indicated that he might not have the best leadership.
That means he'll have to be proactive. Since you mentioned going to South Korea, here's the 8th Army's page on Command Sponsorship, with links and cheesy videos/flowcharts for the process - https://8tharmy.korea.army.mil/site/newcomers/command-Sponsorship.asp
Bringing your family to Korea! The Republic of Korea is a great place to serve and grow, personally and professionally, for both Soldiers and their Family members.
Posted 2 mo ago
Just as COL Randall Cudworth said, your husband will have to request Command sponsorship to have his orders amended to include his dependents. He will need to be proactive because nothing will automatically happen just because he had you all added to DEERS.
SSgt Christophe Murphy
2 mo
Termyria Jordan - It's the military. Everything has a process but rarely is anything a fast process. Your Husband needs to be proactive and be the squeaky wheel but it also helps to understand that amending orders after they were already made isn't a light switch fix. It takes time to fix it.
Termyria Jordan
2 mo
SSgt Christophe Murphy I totally understand and I have been very supportive and patient in the process. I am just trying to see what help can I be of him with information.
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