Command Sponsorship

Command Sponsorship

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CW3 Nick Koeppen

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Command Sponsorship is a privilege granted by the Commander so that the Soldier’s Family Members may accompany the Soldier.  When a Soldier obtains orders for Out of the Continental United States (OCONUS), he/she will have either Accompanied (with) or Unaccompanied (without) dependent orders.  In order for the Soldier to arrange for Family Members travel overseas at the Army’s expense, they must be Command Sponsored.   


Post housing:  If not sponsored the Soldier will not receive the with dependent rate for Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and Cost of Living Allowance (COLA). 

Travel:  The Army pays for transportation (plane tickets, driving) for Family Members, if approved Command Sponsorship, to and from Alaska.  If not sponsored, you pay Family Member charges.  

Household Goods Shipment:  This is important as single/unaccompanied Soldiers’ have far less weight allowance. 


Most recent contributors: LTC Yinon Weiss

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