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Responses: 1
LTC Self Employed
Because I have free will. My wife believes in the great spirit and moon men which Indian lore says are Extra terrestrials. I don't do 50 posts on rally point trying to change people's minds ad nauseum.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
Yes, but your wife is of the wrong tribe. Every real person knows that Mashé Manido (the Great Spirit) created the earth, that the Bear, the Eagle, the Beaver, the Sturgeon, the Crane, and the Wolf changed into human form and became the clans of the People, the Mamaceqtaw (which others call the Menominee). The People know that the Great Rabbit, Manabush, brought fire to the People, named the thieves to the south the Winnebago, and defeated a giant to bring tobacco to the People. So says Mæc-kāsakæh.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett Which tribe is right? The one you have quantum blood level from or what? I am sure the Inca, Aztecs and Navajo have different creation stories. That is a good description but I think her a folklore of the Cree people were different. I respect their differences. I'm not going to debate them about it. I know Christianity destroyed the peoples of the 1st nation with the residential school. That's what my wife is not a Christian anymore. Christianity, Islam Buddhism and other religions had been used by military to justify invading other countries and peoples. I still don't put them down for the most part. I look at the good of Buddhism in the temples. My Parents used to go to a Catholic Monastery in North San Diego where monks would pray. I am just saying that most religions for with the most part, teach goodness but you have the humans here on Earth who are too self-righteous and think they know and they act like a Gnostic and try to force their beliefs on to others. I just live and let live. Muslims believe that a body double was used to crucify Jesus and that he did not rise from the dead and believes that Muhammad ascended into heaven in Jerusalem. I can't prove either of those points but I just let them go. The more I learn the more I realize I do not know.

One of the nicest guys I ever met was a COL who was Atheist and married to a Buddhist, He was my rater for 3 years when I was at the Training Command.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - There are over 500 U.S. tribes, and a bunch more Canadian ones. Each has a different myth. For example, the Menominee didn't care for the Ho-Chunk (Hoocągra, Winnebago) because they continually had to kick their ass to keep them out of Menominee land. The Menominee were distantly related to the Cree, both are central Algonquian languages.
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