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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca

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Can I hang a birdhouse outside the barracks?

Honestly don't see why not but I'd rather do it right so CQ doesn't pull it down and throw it away. BAH for an unaccompanied E4 at JBLM is $1518.00 thats taken for this 10x7.8 foot brick box and I CAN'T put a birdhouse on the tree outside my window? Where do I read about policies regarding this? AR ...
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There’s a LEGO convention in town. Decades ago I worked for the company. Who knew it would become so iconic?


CMSgt Mark Parrish SPC Robert Coventry SFC Ralph E KellyPV2 Larry Sellnow PO1 William "Chip" Nagel ...
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Who loves Hamas? After Hamas jihadis murdered 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, growing numbers of leftists do. Can we now add the Empire State Building to the list?


The iconic New York landmark announced on ...
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