Posted on Dec 10, 2020
SGT Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
Have a buddy that deployed with the Marines and is now in the Army, how does he go about getting his expeditionary patch on his ERB and Shoulder.
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Responses: 9
SFC Retention Operations Nco
He's not eligible. There's a big misconception that someone who deployed in the Marines gets a combat patch when they join the Army.

The only time that you are authorized to wear a Marine Corps combat patch you were in the army at the time he deployed in support of a marine unit. You will see a lot of prior service Marines in the Army wearing their Marine Corps patch, but they are wrong.

Now, if they earned a Combat Action ribbon in the Marines, they are eligible to put their CAR on their ERB and dress uniform
SGT Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
SGT (Join to see)
4 y
Okay, so it does rate, it’s just up to the awardee. SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA
SFC Retired
SFC (Join to see)
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As a Marine combat veteran who changes service, I called them out on it when I saw it.
SFC Retired
SFC (Join to see)
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The Combat Action Ribbon does not transfer to a Combat Action Badge. If it was done to someone it was a clerical error and rightfully should be changed back. SGT (Join to see)
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
4 y
SGT (Join to see) no it's not up to the awardee, they don't convert. If someone put a CAB instead of a CAR it means the S1 made a mistake. If that Soldier were to wear a CAB after that, it would be stolen Valor. A CAB, CIB and CMB have very specific award requirements, just like a CAR does. As a rule, awards don't convert, you earned what you earned.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
NO. You have to be IN THE ARMY during the deployment to rate a deployment patch (SSI-FWTS).

(2) Personnel who served in a designated area as a civilian or a member of another Service, but were not a member of the U.S. Army during one of the specified periods are not authorized to wear the SSI–FWTS.

Reference AR 670-1, 19-17
MAJ Integration Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
4 y
What a fukkin shit show.
The dude did his duty, served in a combat zone, and the AR wants to split hairs over service rivalries?!? Fuck that shit. I’m so done with the rotten apple that is the DA
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SFC James Cameron
This is one the cases where things look weird. I hated being a slick sleeved E-5 with 2 stripes showing deployment time with corresponding and awards and decorations. It just happens to be the nature of the beast though. Marines don’t wear SSI or DUI items. AR 670-1 is clear on the subject as SFC Hasbun provided.
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