Posted on Apr 13, 2015
SSG Schools Non Commissioned Officer
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I got hemmed up today because I was not wearing my deployment patch with my combat action badge I looked for a regulation stating they must be worn together but can't find anything. I've never heard of this has anyone else?
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Responses: 61
LTC Paul Labrador
There isn't a reg covering that, but wearing a badge you get for being in combat without a unit patch saying you were deployed to a combat zone does look suspicious. And with the amount of stolen valor out there today, it's not without reason.
SFC Processing Nco
SFC (Join to see)
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And if you're doing it to ruffle feathers you better be prepared to deal with the flack that comes with it. I personally refuse to wear my recruiting badge outside of dress uniform. I hate the stigma that goes with it in the combat world not to mention its bright yellow.
SSG Scott Burk
SSG Scott Burk
>1 y
To LTC: Sir, I understand your point, but how much more difficult would it be to wear a patch from a unit you didn't deploy with?
1SG Kenneth Hills
1SG Kenneth Hills
>1 y
NCO,S Love flak, that's why we are NCO,s. but this is interesting, CAB and no Combat Patch, nothing says you have to where one So I would ask but leave it at that, you may not like the unit you deployed with, can happen, I believe I have 5 combat patches, I only where one 3 AD IRON DUKES, and in those day we didn't have a CAB, and I earned one and where one the 2 don't match. never had a problem.
LTC Bink Romanick
LTC Bink Romanick
>1 y
1SG Hill .... Stay on the Tank!
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SGT Ben Keen
Why would put yourself in this position? If you are going to take the time to put your CAB on why not take the extra 4 seconds to put your combat patch on regardless if the reg says you have to wear both together or not?
MSG Intelligence Senior Sergeant/Chief Intelligence Sergeant
MSG (Join to see)
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FWSI does not equal Combat. Overseas Service Stripes do not equal Combat either. There are 3 badges that do. How do people make these correlations? I always tell my soldiers, Patches and badges do not a soldier make.
SPC Eric Cunningham
SPC Eric Cunningham
>1 y
That's probably the best excuse to be light on the right I've ever heard - it's taking care of a new soldier and leading by example - showing a soldier what it means to be part of the wider brotherhood.
SFC Founder
SFC (Join to see)
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I agree with that.
MAJ Keira Brennan
MAJ Keira Brennan
>1 y
Joe just wants to be a rebel... imho
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COL Charles Williams
No such rule. Someone just had free time and likes to make corrections. It is probably a pet peeve vs a rule. The only thing you have to wear is name tag, US Army, US flag and current unit patch.
MAJ Brigade S1
MAJ (Join to see)
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True sir. I think the issue people have is that most often acts like this are done to ruffle feathers. All this does is bring negative attention and put the direct leadership in a tough position as well.

At the end of the day you can fall back on the regulation, but what's the point in doing something just to be difficult? If you have a legitimate reason why you won't wear the patch, then I think you should be prepared to explain that.

I had Soldiers that wanted to wear previous deployment patches rather than their current one, and some in the command didn't like that. In that case, who cares? It's a legitimate deployment patch, it's within regulations, and (in the cases I dealt with) it was their pride associated with that unit and friends they had lost and not to ruffle feathers.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) I understand your perspective as well. I was not stating my opinion, rather answering this question, which is always based on the standard. This reminds of CSM Melinger (MCNI CSM) asking young Soldiers why there left Soldier patch and right Soldier patch were different.... It also reminds me of the many Soldiers who wanted to wear a specific combat patch vs. the one they were suppose to wear...

Honestly, I can think of no good reason not to wear a combat patch, but wear a CAB/CIB/CMB, aside from you are lazy.... or forgot... Regardless, it is not against the rules.
MAJ Brigade S1
MAJ (Join to see)
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COL Charles Williams Completely agree sir
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