Posted on Dec 11, 2015
Scout Media
From Scout Media:

The Air Force is surging forward with a massive, fleet-wide modernization overhaul of the battle-tested, Vietnam-era B-52 bomber, an iconic airborne workhorse for the U.S. military dating back to the 1960s.

Engineers are now equipping all 76 of the Air Force B-52s with digital data-links, moving-map displays, next-generation avionics, new radios and an ability to both carry more weapons internally and integrate new, high-tech weapons as they emerge, service officials said.

The technical structure and durability of the B-52 airframes in the Air Force fleet are described as extremely robust and able to keep flying well into the 2040s and beyond – so the service is taking steps to ensure the platform stays viable by receiving the most current and effective avionics, weapons and technologies, Eric Single, Chief of the Global Strike Division, Acquisition, told Scout Warrior in an interview.

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Responses: 10
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Basically we HAVE to keep flying the B-52 because we haven't made a serious purchase of strategic bombers since. The B-1 and -1B had significant technical issues that threatened to kill but did reduce the program. The B-2 cost a mint to build. Each. There were a myriad of X-bombers that never made it to production. It is great that the B-52 still can fly, but I worry about aircrews. That is a lot of hours on those air frames.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
1SG, would you really trust the AF leadership to buy another weapons platform that would work as advertised, and the project to stay on target, and do the intended mission? I ask being that most of the previous airframes the AF had could outperform the next generation airframe that was bought to replace it. My verdict is out for the F-22. I know the Army had the Crusader program years ago that turned into a bust as big as the Raiders drafting Jamarcus Russell.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
SSG Warren Swan, there have been a lot of white elephants in procurement in the past decade, but big successes too.
I would say that the Global Hawk is an unequivocal success, as is the Predator.
The Stryker is an extremely successful program.
MRAPs served their purpose, but have limited utility outside what we were doing at the time.

Maybe the Air Force can figure out how to get the F-35 right.
The F-22 is a superior aircraft that had production halted way too soon.
The Crusader was a great idea that bogged down in cost overruns. It just didn't have the support that some other programs (I see you, USS Gerald Ford) had.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
9 y
1SG (Join to see) - 13 billion and counting. Some of those costs will be amortized across other hulls, but still an eye-popping figure.
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LTC Stephen C.
LTC (Join to see), in the discussion thread "A Flock Of Seagulls Downed A B-52 Bomber In Guam", you asked why there was such a big price tag on old and "paid for" bombers, and I suggested upgrades. Maybe these are the upgrades?
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SGT William Howell
Long live the BUFF and while we are at it the Warthog too!
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
If the KC-135 and the B-52 are going to be retired 20 years after I retire (2022) we can and should extend the service life of the A-10! The Junk strike fighter is horrible and vulnerable in CAS.
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - Preach Brother Conway! New is not always better.
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
>1 y
SGT William Howell - There is something just super sexy when the B-52 is on a takeoff roll and the wings start generating lift and those wings raise up that 4 or 5 feet just before it takes off. I always thought they looked like a bird of prey just before it launches itself into the air and flies off majestically. My step father was always with SAC and I have been watching B-52s take off since I was 5.
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