I have received agent orange health ratings for benefit payments of 60% for heart attack and stents, 10% for prostate cancer (twice) ED, and 20% for type 2 diabetes. Although that adds up to 90% I am compensated at 70%. My question is why only 70% and not 90%?
Posted in these groups:
Benefits Advisor
Agent Orange
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Posted >1 y ago
There is a formula VA uses when you have these kinds of compounding ratings - you need to contact the office that sent your "70%" letter; or - contact a local Veterans Service Officer - someone trained in this area, to review it. VFWs, American Legions, etc. have these VSOs. Or, try you local County Veterans service office. Good luck!
Posted >1 y ago
VA starts with your 60% then looks at the remaining 40% not disabled and starts again to credit you with the next higher rating on that 40%, which would be 20% of the 40% still standing and keeps going at that rating each as part of what is left. You might try for 100% totally unemployable rating. since you are over 70% required for that consideration.
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