Posted on Jul 1, 2024
SGT Kevin Hughes
It dropped below 80 Degrees for the first time in a long time. The Humidity is still crushing at 76% . But I decided to go form my walk around the nearby lake. 1.5 miles is one loop. I usually try and break 20 minutes for the first mile, and 21 minutes for the second mile. Anything under 20 minutes a mile (3 miles an hour) is really flying for me. My normal walking pace is a very relaxed 2.4 miles an hour...and if I hurry, I can bump that up to 2.8 Miles an hour. So yes, you and everyone you know would leave me in the dust. LOL
I was only able to get two long walks (1.5 miles or a bit more) in all of June. One in the good old USA, and one up in Canada. So my body really wanted to get outdoors. I don't usually walk at night. I prefer mornings. But tonight when the Temp finally dropped. I was out the door. First mile: 17:21. Yikes! Second mile: 19 Flat. I even broke a sweat...okay, okay, I know, with almost 80% humidity, breaking a sweat is easy, getting it to cool you down... is the hard part.
So not only happy I walked, but in record times too!
And I stopped to smell the one Magnolia Flower on this small tree. Right next to it towers a regular Magnolia tree...they smell beautiful. And this one was truly fragrant. You could smell it yards away.
I love the smell, but if you have one of those trees in your yard...well, get a rake. You are going to need it...all year.
Time for supper.
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Responses: 5
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
My walking days are over . . .
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
3 mo
Oh, but the walks you have done! I know because of my bones and spine, it is only a matter of time. But I remember my eldest daughter getting in the Surgeons Face:
"No,YOU don't understand. My Dad has been waling since he was two years old. He walks like most people breathe or have a heartbeat. Don't ever tell him to stop walking. He will find a way, and your job is to help him!"
I was so proud of her. And I am walking. Sometimes, it is only the driveway...but I am out there. But the walks you have done in your life...those had a lot more rough spots than mine, and that means they are in your memory banks.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
I was outside today as well since the temps here were around 80 instead of in the 90s
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
3 mo
Exactly how I felt. And I use to think 80 was hot. LOL
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SGT Program Coordinator
Reminded me of, Snagglepuss, "Hello trees, Hello sky, Hello world"!
"Heavens to Murgatroyd!"
"Exit, stage left"
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
3 mo
And that brought back its own memory! "Exit, Stage left!" We are dating ourselves. LOL
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