Marine Science Technician

Marine Science Technician

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CPO Jon Campbell

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Training information

The following information has been provided directly from the official USCG website and is current as of the date of this posting. Editors & Contributors to this section should exercise discretion to ensure only the most current, relevant, and accurate information is published.
Source - USCG TRACEN Yorktown MST School at
Content Provider - Michael Grubbs, USCG, MSTC, Ret.
Last Update - 05 Aug 2016

Marine Science Technician School 

Welcome to the Marine Science Technician (MST) School. The Marine Science Technician (MST) School is responsible for the creation, maintenance, and delivery of rating specific training for the Marine Science Technician Rating. The school is responsible for; the MSTA, MST2, and MST1 courses, the production of the Active and Reserve duty Service-Wide Examinations and is the administer of the Initial Indoctrination to Marine Safety Course (IIMS).

Course Offerings

Marine Science Technician "A" (MST) Course:
The "A" Course is the beginning of your training as a MST. The course is 9 weeks long and is open to qualified active and reserve enlisted personnel. The training topics covered include Pollution Investigation, Pollution Response, Occupational Safety and Health, Facility Inspections and Vessel Boardings. 

Marine Science Technician Second Class (MST2) Course:
Subjects in this course include: Facility file review, oil containment boom deployment, pollution abatement, initial actions, phases of pollution response operations, and oil pollutant trajectory forecasting. Additionally, standards for the drafting of pollution reports and oil spill sampling and transmittal for analysis are included.
Marine Science Technician First Class (MST1) Course:
Subjects in this course include: Evaluation of facility operations manuals and response plans, development of site safety plans, incident briefings and the incident command system, management of Phase III pollution removal actions and documentation, unit daily boarding schedules, unit safety programs, and the preparation of Administrative and Captain of the Port Orders. 

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Certifications and credentialing

Source - TBD
Last Update - TBD

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Transition opportunities

Source - at
Last Update - 05 Aug 2016

Related Civilian Jobs:
  • Marine Environmental Specialist
  • Marine Safety Specialist
  • Hazardous Materials Specialist
  • Oil and Hazardous Materials Spill Responder
  • Facility Supervisor
  • Vessel Inspector
  • OSHA Response Trainer

Most recent contributors: CPO Michael Grubbs

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  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
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  • Civilian Supporter