Damage Controlman
Damage Controlman (DC): Learn and connect on RallyPoint
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I'm Grateful to the Damage Controlman that Made Me a DCPO!
ABBA The Name Of The Game (ABBA Special TBS '78) 2001 Remastered Audio HD

Voice of Experience, Taking Apart the Strainer for Preventive Maintenance and Remounting it is a Bitch, That is a Solid Piece of Brass and Heavier than Hell.
It's been 30 years since an explosion inside the number two gun turret on the USS Iowa killed 47 American sailors, but for Mike Carr, it still feels like yesterday.
Should the youngest and lowest ranking person on a naval vessel be steering the ship?
Considering that there have been four accidents involving US Navy ships this year, do you think we should still be having the youngest and lowest ranking person on the ship steer the vessel? What are your thoughts?
Absolutely American Inc has several opportunities for separating DCs in SC, GA, CT, UT and CA. Contact me if you or someone you know is interested.
Any reccommendations for shore commands in the Jacksonville area for a DC3/DC2?
My plans are to stay in the Mayport area when I transfer to shore, but I have no interest in reenlisting afterwards, so general billets are on the table as well. I'm not particularly looking for a check in the box for ranking, just an assignment that will allow me enough free time and mental capacit...