Aviation Electrician's Mate
Aviation Electrician's Mate (AE): Learn and connect on RallyPoint
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Aviation Electrician's Mates (AE) maintain electrical and instrument systems, including power generation, conversion, and distribution systems; aircraft batteries; interior and exterior lighting; electrical control of aircraft systems, including hydraulic, landing gear, flight control, utility, and power plant engine, flight and non-instrument-type indicating and warning systems; automatic flight control and stabilization systems; aircraft compass systems; attitude reference systems; and inertial navigation systems. Most of these technicians are trained in computers to support state-of-the-art equipment or on power generators and power distribution systems to support aircraft electrical systems.

Qualifications for this career field
Personnel in this field must be U.S. citizens eligible for a security clearance. Normal color perception is required.
Applicants in this career field will work on some of the most technologically advanced aircraft in the Navy. Applicants should have an interest in aviation and working with or around aircraft. They should have a high degree of manual dexterity with tools, equipment, and machines for detailed precision work. They should have a strong interest in electrical or computer systems and be ready to tackle a tough academic curriculum in electronics training. They should have a desire to be resourceful parts of a team effort. Helpful attributes include arithmetic knowledge, writing ability, speaking skills, good memory, and physical fitness.

Advice on how to transfer to this specialty
What advice can you share on transfering to this specialty?
Most recent contributors: CW3 Nick Koeppen