My wife is looking at a possible direct commission for a 70A. She is in the fact finding stages now, and has an appointment with a recruiter next week. Not sure yet on active duty or reserve. She has her master's in healthcare administration already. I'm assuming that helps? What would she be appointed to, O-1? O-3? Where would she be assigned? Is the pay scale different for this position, or is it the same for any officer?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
There is E pay for O1-O3 depending retirement points already earned. You can look up the pay scale online.
That’s just the starting point. I took a direct commission & went with 70 Echo. Check to see how long she has to have her commission. It may have been 10 years.
Pay for O-1 is Pay for an all O-1's with out prior service or some sort of special pay (some professional medical personnel get that, I doubt 70A would be one of them, think MD's, DO's, DDS's and that lot). As to her appointment would be based on recent grad with no real time or ? I would err to the side of caution and say O-1, anything higher is gravy!
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