Rotary Wing Aviator (Aircraft Nonspecific)
Rotary Wing Aviator (Aircraft Nonspecific)
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Rotary Wing Aviator (Aircraft Nonspecific)
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153A - Rotary Wing Aviator
Accession MOS used to feed into an armed reconnaissance, attack, utility, or cargo helicopter MOS. Operates and commands aircraft under tactical and non-tactical conditions. Operates aircraft during all types of meteorological conditions during the day, night, and under night vision systems. Performs all military aircraft operations (e.g., reconnaissance, security, gunnery, rescue, air assault, mine/flare delivery, internal/external load, and paradrop/rappelling operations). Performs aerial route, zone, and/or area reconnaissance in support of combat maneuver operations. Routinely participates in real time and training operations that include combat, combat support, or combat service support operations. Additionally, performs administrative or liaison missions to transport passengers, mail or cargo for military purposes. Maintains aviator flight requirements in accordance with appropriate aircraft Aircrew Training Manual.

Qualifications for this career field
Minimum prerequisites:
- Any MOS may apply.
- Be at least 18, but not have reached their 33rd birthday at the convening of the selection board.
- "Waivers will be considered for applicants with exceptional qualifications and only on a case by case basis"
- Score 40 or higher on the Selection Instrument for Flight Training (SIFT).
- Successfully pass a Class 1 (warrant officer candidate) Flying Duty Medical Examination (FDME) IAW AR 40-501 that has been approved by the Commander, U.S. Army Aeromedical Center. The initial FDME is only valid for 18 months.
- Commissioned Army Officers that are qualified Army Aviators must apply through their HRC Assignment Officer to the Aviation Branch Proponent for consideration. Commissioned Officers that have been identified for involuntary separation (OSB, twice non-select for promotion) are ineligible to apply for MOS 153A.
- All applicants must have a digitally signed letter of recommendation from an Army Aviator (CW3 to CW5) currently serving (Not Retired). Applicants may supplement (not replace) the Army Aviator (CW3-CW5) LOR with hand signed LOR's from Retired Army Aviators as desired. If the unit commander or above is a field grade aviator, the aviator interview may be part of the commander's endorsement. In this case, the commander's endorsement must contain the same statement required for the aviator interview. Use a memorandum format and start with the statement I have interviewed (your name) and find (he/she) has the needed personal characteristics, motivation, physical stamina, and qualifications to be appointed a U.S. Army Reserve warrant officer and appears acceptable for selection into the WOFT program as a warrant officer candidate. Applicants from other military services may be interviewed by a field grade aviator from their branch of service if an Army aviator is not readily available. Army aviators will conduct the interviews whenever possible.
- All Applicants applying for a 153A position in the Reserve Component (ONLY) must obtain a memorandum signed by The Army Reserve Aviation Unit Commander accepting them into the unit and an active Reserve Senior Aviation Warrant Officer endorsing acceptance into the aviation unit. View 11th AVN Command Memo for Record.
- Acceptance to Warrant Officer Flight Training (153A) will require attendance and successful completion of:
- The U.S. Army Aviation Center Survival Escape Resistance and Evasion (SERE-C) course.
- Helicopter Ditching and Dunker trainer
- Note: The waiver authority for this requirement is the Commanding General, U.S. Army Aviation Center, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5000.
Please contact the proponent POCs below for any questions regarding qualifications. Address all other inquiries to the Warrant Officer Recruiting Branch at

Worst parts of having this specialty
Having to constantly study aspects of flight. Long hours at times. Sporadic schedules.

Advice on how to transfer to this specialty
On your packet ensure your bio shows how you would be a valuable asset to aviation as a pilot.
Most recent contributors: CW5 Sam R. Baker CW2 Jeffrey Thompson