Posted on May 11, 2022
ZERO HORSEPOWER: Media-Driven Scandal Leaves Border Patrol Agents Without Critical Tool
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 4
That the Border Patrol agents were investigated at all is horrible. Has Joe apologized yet?
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Joe will never apologize...and I suspect he doesn't even remember saying unless his "handlers" cue him and they won't....
It is all a B.S. imho, Lt Col Charlie Brown! The radical left just continues to pummel the Border Patrol and the Border Patrol, seemingly, has been relegated to a passive job description by the current administration! Immigration Law (On the Books) has been tossed aside by the Department of Homeland Security by direction from the Whitehouse... Law enforcement, at our Borders (and elsewhere, is now SELECTIVE!) It should sicken every single Citizen of these United States of America! Just saying...
Lt Col Charlie Brown
And the latest edict from the AG who is apparently anti Law and Order just makes it worse.
Sgt (Join to see)
Lt Col Charlie Brown - And the majority on the left don't seem to grasp what is happening here... It boggles the mind...
So the Dumbassocrats again jump to conclusions of guilt in a country where you are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
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