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Responses: 2
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
PO1 Tony Holland thanks for sharing my friend.
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CMDCM Gene Treants
When I first read of the betrayal by these two, I was upset that anyone would pull a WALKER. But after reading which country these two master spies tried to betray the United States too, I am more reminded of Pollard. So far, Pollard is the only American sentenced to receive a life sentence for passing classified information to an ally of the U.S.

If you are going to be a successful spy and get money for betraying your country, wouldn't it be a good idea to find some country that would benefit from the arrangement? Say Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, just off the top of my head. I think if you are going to be a spy, you should actually have a good IQ, not just one letter or the other. Jonathan and Diana Toebbe, a study in failure to plan!
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