Posted on Feb 25, 2022
Wuhan lab leak theory ‘accepted as likely behind closed doors at No 10’
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 2
Can’t go past pay wall. I have been saying this for months. A guy named “seeker” started studying the origins and developed a group of international internet sleuths who formed a loose association that figured this out. Members of the group got original primary research articles printed out of the Wuhan virus lab, some f the articles “ disappeared” visited the mine where covid virus supposedly originated, These folks made a compelling case.The article was in News Week. Then you have some scientists that are skeptical about a natural origin of the virus because of the genetic configuration of the spike protein. There were concerns with in the scientific community about safety at the Wuhan virus lab.
The world is starting to accept it came from the Wuhan institute of virology. The next question would be was it released intentionally or by a safety accident? My bet is on a cross contamination and bio leak aka safety accident. If you look up the institutes safety record, it isn't stellar. They've had many scientists and researchers become infected by sars and mers samples unintentionally due to lack of safety concern.
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