Posted on Mar 20, 2015
***WOW WILL BE THE MOST VIRAL VIDEO FOR... - Freedom Daily with Brian Kolfage | Facebook
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 4
Look, I gotta say this, I see this video too many times and yes it is true. We the American people (and yes I can say what I want to say I'm retired I've earned that right) were not only lied to, we allowed ourselves to be lied to so it's our fault also. Unfortunately with slick Hillary or Warren running in 2 years it's just going to be another communistic manifesto. And please people for the thousandth time please don't ask me to give you a definition of what communism is you have a Google just like I do. Just see what slick Hillary did during the Vietnam War in Russia that's enough to disqualify that lady for ever from running from office. And Warren is nothing but a socialist freak.
Right now the Democratic Party is full of nothing but left wing wackos and the Republican Party is full of pussified idiots who are scared to fight. I'm not a Republican I'm not a Democrat, the only TV I watch is my Xbox Tiger Woods golf game and the Colorado Rockies on root sports. I maybe watch Megyn Kelly every now and then cuz she's hot. I mostly follow news in my local newspaper, the local news, and a few other sites. I gave up on Fox News with the exception of Kelly, and I dang sure don't watch liberal news. It's not that the liberal news lies to you, it's that they will not report the news to you. Yes, I am very hard-core right-wing I believe in freedom for all not just for one certain group or one certain ethnicity, or one certain religion (well I got to admit Islamic is a little far-fetched for me) but hey, at least I'm honest.
Right now the Democratic Party is full of nothing but left wing wackos and the Republican Party is full of pussified idiots who are scared to fight. I'm not a Republican I'm not a Democrat, the only TV I watch is my Xbox Tiger Woods golf game and the Colorado Rockies on root sports. I maybe watch Megyn Kelly every now and then cuz she's hot. I mostly follow news in my local newspaper, the local news, and a few other sites. I gave up on Fox News with the exception of Kelly, and I dang sure don't watch liberal news. It's not that the liberal news lies to you, it's that they will not report the news to you. Yes, I am very hard-core right-wing I believe in freedom for all not just for one certain group or one certain ethnicity, or one certain religion (well I got to admit Islamic is a little far-fetched for me) but hey, at least I'm honest.
SFC (Join to see)
I feel where you are coming from. On most issues I am so far right I make the Tea party look like leftist. After reading your post I did a little reading on Hillary. I know a good bit of her "illustrious" past, but learned a good deal moor about her and she is just as rotten as I knew her to be.
So I've been seeing this a lot lately... Are people creating posts and then commenting on them first in an effort to reap more points? It seems to be popular lately..
SSG Leonard Johnson
Just kinda wondering...what is the big deal bout points....I looked at my bank statement. really hasn't changed neither has my life with any amount of points
SFC (Join to see)
I didnt even think about it. I should have "edited" instead of "comented", sorry guys. I went and checked my recent activity and only recieved points for making a comment as any other comment would, no "trailblazer" points. Had I thought about it I would have not commented so early, by doing so I kept someone else from getting that "point" thanks for making note of it.
I don't believe there is any comment to something that speaks for itself and puts the truth on the line. Now it is up to us to do our part!
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