Posted on Aug 12, 2016
Why Trump’s “Second Amendment” insinuation was an abhorrent stunt straight out of the NRA’s...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Ever think he was just saying the 2d amendment voters would take care of her at the polls? No that would be to simple and wouldn't cause a lot of PGBS.
SFC (Join to see)
SSG William Jones - This 2A comment is comical. Hillary was asked why She didn't get out in 08, before the CA primary and she basically said "why would I get out now? Johnson was losing to Kennedy before the CA primary and Kennedy got assassinated".
Sounds to me she made the same level of "full-retard" comment and got a pass for it.
Sounds to me she made the same level of "full-retard" comment and got a pass for it.
Hillary pays people to cause violence at Trump events and no one cares, both of these idiots need to be put away.
Capt (Join to see)
So, the father who wrote down in his ledger about the incident made it up No, sri, you would work until you found a source to support the lies.Total PGBS. They lied because telling the truth may have caused them to lose votes. Despicable is the only word.
Capt (Join to see)
It was a spontaneous riot caused by an anti muslim video. Really? How many spontaneous riots do you know where the spontaneous rioters bring RPGs to it? And again her own emails show she knew what ir was at the same time they were lying about it.
SFC (Join to see)
Capt (Join to see) - What difference does it make?
The trail of dead bodies in her wake is in the dozens. I don't believe in coincidences.
The trail of dead bodies in her wake is in the dozens. I don't believe in coincidences.
Capt (Join to see)
To me the difference it makes is about the code of contact for officers. I will neither lie, cheat or steal nor will I tolerate any among us who do. I admit nothing compared to the body trail, but the body trail has not yet been proven.
I love how the "Salon" cherry picks one sentence. What he actually said: "Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment…By the way, and if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day."
Obviously he meant the "Second Amendment people" were going to have to carry on the fight against Clinton's desire to implement more gun control. Context is everything.
Obviously he meant the "Second Amendment people" were going to have to carry on the fight against Clinton's desire to implement more gun control. Context is everything.
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