Tonight's debate was interesting. Russia, Russia Russia? Only in Washington State!
Governor Inslee of Washington State and vice president Joe Biden think very similarly.
What VP Biden said about oil and fracking reminded me of Canada. I live in Alberta. Alberta and the adjacent Province of Saskatchewan comprise Canada's oil industry. Canada has the 4th largest oil reserve in the world yet much of the country wants the oil to stay in the ground.
1. Provinces on the East coast import oil from Russia and OPEC.
2. Pipelines are fought tooth and nail by the other provinces.
3. Electric cars do exist but 6 months out of the year it is below freezing and often we have weeks of it being at -20 below zero F or -16C. Having electric cars in cold weather is not conducive for long distances.
4. We have the province of Ontario that has electricity 3 times the national average because it put in the green new deal of sorts. 10 years ago they scuttled an almost completed $1 Billion Dollar gas-fired power plant. Ontarians pay through the nose for electricity going wind and solar in a province that is below freezing 6 months out of the year.
I am the canary in the coal mine here in Canada. Canada is ashamed of the oil and gas industry yet the transfer payments earned from oil help other provinces.
They hate Alberta for having an oil industry yet Canada has a transfer payment agreement that gives the rest of the country most of what Alberta has earned.
Just like in the USA, the outer provinces are extremely liberal or left and the interior is generally conservative.
In 2018, five provinces get between $400 million and $2 Billion a year. Quebec gets more than $11 billion.
Those other provinces, even with this money, add their own provincial sales taxes on top of the national 5% sales tax. Alberta has a 5% tax while many have provincial and government sales taxes that combined range between 12 and 15%!.
If Alberta somehow stopped the oil revenue sharing, the lack of funding will just destroy those other provinces yet they prefer the oil in the ground but still expect what profits are earned from oil that is just as dirty as the oil pumped from Jane Fonda's house in the Hollywood hills.
The crazy liberals of Washington State would rather buy oil from Vladivostok, Russia 4000 plus miles away and ship it buy a supertanker that puts out as much carbon probably as the Queen Mary luxury liner in Long Beach, California But it doesn't matter. They don't want to buy or oil from Alberta (500 miles away)because they consider it 'dirty'.
Insult to injury, the government promises to build a pipeline but at the same time put federal law restricting tankers above 2OK tons from taking oil out of Vancouver. The Canadian government is schizophrenic kind of like our Democrats are today.