Recent Activity -
I'm just a poor boy from a poor family, I live, I work, I'll die. In the meantime Party On.
Military Experiences
Mar 1989 - Aug 2004
Senior Drill Instructor
I spent the next 10 years as a DI training BCT troops at FT. Leonard Wood, Ft. Dix, and Ft. Knox. I survived the cutbacks of the Clinton presidency, Converted my MOS to 12B, and attended several NCOES schools. In approximately 2001 or 02 I transitioned from being a DI to being the Company Training NCO, in which position I remained until my retirement in August 2004
Mar 1989 - Aug 2004
Senior Drill Instructor
I left Active duty after 5 years and change with almost 4 years as a Spc4 in an over strength MOS with no hope of promotion for years to come. I enjoyed being in the military, so when I was offered the chance to join the Reserves at ETS I took it. I never imagined myself as an Army Drill Instructor, but the closest Reserve center to my home of record when I ETSed was a 98th Div. DI unit in Batavia NY so here I was on my way to being a DI and 12B Instructor. I had my first drill in March of 1989, was enrolled in DI academy at 100 North Forest Ave in Amherst NY, Recieved my promotion to SGT while in DI school. I Graduated from the course and received my Round Brown on the day the ground war started in the first Gulf war in 1991.
Jan 1987 - Feb 1989
Again, I was still an equipment operator responsible for maintaining and operating a D-7 Dozer and MW24C loader, I was in the 3rd Squad of the Equipment Platoon of the largest Engineer Company in the US Army. I learned to drive a bus while here as well as a Mercedes Benz 8 ton dump truck. I saw President Reagen speak at Brandenburg Gate and attended French Commando School while stationed in Berlin. I learned to speak some German and saw many sights that I never would have seen otherwise.
Mar 1984 - Dec 1986
Private through Spec-4
I was a heavy 62 E heavy equipment operator, I was in 2nd Squad, Horizontal Equipment Platoon. My jobs ranged from operating and maintaining Loaders, Dozers, and Pans, to driving duce and a half's, and 5-ton dumps. I was also licensed to drive 5 quarter and CUCV trucks. I was training to drive M915 Semi tractor-trailers when my orders for Germany came in and so never finished getting that license. I helped build the Horse Stables and Riding area on the Post, A BMX track in a nearby town, As well as several other projects that I don't recall now.
(4 months)Jun 1985 - Sep 1985
Assisted in building a 90 mile Main Supply Road in the Aguan River Valley of Honduras. Running a D-7 bulldozer clearing jungle and cutting road grade.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Sep 1993
12B Combat Engineer MOS course
Jun 1990 - Jun 1991
98th Division Leadership Academy, Drill Sgt Course
Nov 1983 - Jan 1984
Heavy Equipment Operators Course
Sep 1987
French Commando Course
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees